So, depending on how often I see or speak with you, some of you may know about this and most of you probably don't, but I figured it's about time to break the news to the LJ community so....
I am currently 16 weeks pregnant, which I think evens out to about 4 some-odd months. Pete and I have known about this for about 3 months now, and he is the father, although besides putting the baby in me, he's done little if nothing to act like he cares or help out. I'm too far at this point to consider abortion, partially due to the risk that's there is for me to have other children later, and partially just because I can't bring myself to do it now.
Pete is no longer with me, because he can't give up being drunk all the time and deal with putting someone else before himself, even if it is the person carrying his child, so he's moved out and refuses to answer my phone calls and hides in his room-mates bathroom when I come by to see him. He still tells his friends he wants to be the baby's father, but he doesn't show up for doctor appointments or call to see how I or the baby are doing, I wish I knew I'd gotten knocked-up by a 3 yr old before I decided to keep it. It would just be nice to have some encouragement, support and help, but women have children everyday with out their "dead-beat dads" around. Whatever, it'll make for an interesting court appeal.
Anyways, so I don't have a week-job right now, still looking, but have the RenFair, which is paying my bills and the Castle for another month or so. I've gotten alot of support and love from my family and the few friends I've told so far.
I've been seeing another guy lately whose a sweetheart, he knows about the baby and is ok with the fact, he gives me the love and support that I need, without acting like he's taking on Pete's failed responsibility of being the baby's father.
I've got another Doctor's appointment April 3rd, to get another ultrasound done. Actually my doc made the appoint specifically to have Pete see the baby move around, since he was a no show for the first ultrasound above. I hope Pete gets his head out of his ass and starts to participate in this, he was the one who convinced me to keep the baby and start a family with him, and as soon as it got the slightest bit difficult, he ran like a little boy. I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep the baby or put it up for adoption, unfortunatly it'll depend on finances and weither or not I can do this on my own. Well, I'll update my journal more now, whenever I can get ahold of a computer. But so, now you can all pick your jaws up off the floor and reply... Love, Peace and Chicken Grease!