Because I am, once again, a lemming...

Jul 10, 2016 21:45

Stole this from elrhiarhodan (who's at fault for everything).

Rules: Go to this website and enter 14 characters from any fandom or fandoms (or whatever you’re into) and match them to the order of the following questions.

1. Your Mom/Dad - Bobby Singer
Hell, yes! Jackpot. He's an awesome dad.

2. Your Sibling - Jensen Ackles
I can definitely live with that. :D I bet he'd be an awesome big brother. *ponders* *double-checks birthdates* Oh crap. He'd be my little brother! *boggles* I feel so old. LOL! Hmm, I think he'd be one of the typical annoying little brothers, but I would love him to death anyway. ♥

3. Your Grandma/Grandpa - Jethro Gibbs
He's one hell of a great gramps! All the things he did with me when I was little, all the things he taught me or showed me. Yup, great choice.

4. Haunts You - Tony DiNozzo
Huh. Why would you do that, Tony? You're not even dead! (Unless you count the character assassination in the season finale. Yes, I'm still bitter. #NeverForget) Other than that, I can live with you haunting me. We can watch movies together all night. *g*

5. Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend - Sheriff Donna
Hells to the yes! I'd totally date her. She's awesome and gorgeous and funny. I love Donna!

6. Your Ex - Peter Burke
Oh well. It was nice while it lasted, Peter, but it just wasn't meant to be. Still, I clearly have a thing for men and women with badges... *g*

7. Your Best Friend - Mozzie
Best friend you could ever wish for! He knows everything and everyone, can get you everything and everyone, and has ways of making things and people disappear, if necessary.

8. Proposed To You - Matthew Keller
That's sweet of you, my beloved misunderstood boy, but I think it wouldn't work between us. I know your heart belongs to Neal, baby.

9. Your Boss - El Burke
She's smart and strong and dedicated and one hell of a good business woman. A tough but fair boss. Couldn't ask for a better one.

10. Random Person You Met at a Bar. - Jared Padalecki
Yeah well, that happens when you accidentally hang out in his bar long enough, right? He's gotta show up there sometime, right? So I can bump into him and spill my beer on him, right? Totally not on purpose, of course, right? *coughs*

11. Your Rival - Sam Winchester
Rival for what? LOL! Sam and me, we iz besties!

12. Gave You Your First Kiss - Papa Winchester
Well, what can I say? I have a thing for older men...

13. Get Drunk and Sings Karaoke With - Dean Winchester

14. Gave You Your Favorite Dessert - Neal Caffrey
You all know that Neal makes great soups but you have no idea how amazing his home-made tiramisu is. Yum. :D

meme, fun stuff, it's all elr's fault!

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