Computer has not been happy with the XP install disk. I'm going to try a couple more things with the current hardware, and if all that fails I will be picking up a new hard drive tomorrow. should just install when I tell it to. OBEY ME, COMPUTER!!!
Nobody should have to like windows, you should be proud of your computer, it knows better! Someday I will be done with the more mundane things in life and I will learn to use GOOD operating systems. Until then, we will have to make your computer understand that this is just a temporary situation ;-)
Re: happy singdolphin with a working hottub.singdolphinMarch 12 2004, 16:15:23 UTC
My LJ info has my current e-mail address, feel free to contact me there, but please don't post it on any other lists or give it out. I'm happy with the low spam on this acct. so far. I was worried about having it on my LJ info page, but as of now it has been a non-issue.
I still have my cell phone so I don't plan on getting an individual home phone line.
Sorry I have not added you to my friends list, but you journal A LOT. I do try to log on to your page and read when I can. Hopefully in a few weeks I will be DSL'ing from home and can read all the LJ I want.
Re: happy singdolphin with a working hottub._duncanMarch 12 2004, 16:50:03 UTC
Mobile phones, when the work, are *very* liberating. I've been surprised at how often it's been useful for someone who's not hearing his doorbell.
No, your Livejournal profile as visible to me does not include any contact information. No website, no email address.
Yes, I've been throwing more thoughts on the keyboard recently. Less than, for instance, rosefox and joedecker, but still more than dandyloo.
Some of what shows on my journal is marked as backdated, meaning it doesn't (and didn't) show on a friends page. If the rest is still more than you'd care to read, this post has list filtering instructions. I've admitted to using them myself.
Nice to hear from you again, and to know you're still using the mic at Sunset Dunes.
Re: happy singdolphin with a working hottub.singdolphinMarch 13 2004, 03:57:11 UTC
Okay, I thought My Lj had my e-mail on it. Since this is not a friends only post, and spammers do hit LJ, how can I get my e-mail address to you? I went to your LJ bio and same problem, no e-mail address.....
i wanna know what you've got up your sleeve for mahroommah! drop me a personal e-mail? huh? huh? oooh! pick me! pick me!
jason is out here and i've got to play with him a little. slices of home are heaven. was supposed to see your other 1/2 this morning but i was sick. will give her big hugs for you when i finally do!
hope you are well. take care of my-ani. i miss her much like you miss right. *sigh*
Comments 9
Are you sharing a line or did you get individual lines?
Also, the email address I had for you quit working in November, 2003.
I still have my cell phone so I don't plan on getting an individual home phone line.
Sorry I have not added you to my friends list, but you journal A LOT. I do try to log on to your page and read when I can. Hopefully in a few weeks I will be DSL'ing from home and can read all the LJ I want.
No, your Livejournal profile as visible to me does not include any contact information. No website, no email address.
Yes, I've been throwing more thoughts on the keyboard recently. Less than, for instance, rosefox and joedecker, but still more than dandyloo.
Some of what shows on my journal is marked as backdated, meaning it doesn't (and didn't) show on a friends page. If the rest is still more than you'd care to read, this post has list filtering instructions. I've admitted to using them myself.
Nice to hear from you again, and to know you're still using the mic at Sunset Dunes.
jason is out here and i've got to play with him a little. slices of home are heaven. was supposed to see your other 1/2 this morning but i was sick. will give her big hugs for you when i finally do!
hope you are well. take care of my-ani. i miss her much like you miss right. *sigh*
miss you, too!
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