We return to the posse as they were - bloodied, beleaguered and reeling from the conversation with Sam - on the rocks above Cliffside. They head down into the town, where the scars of their fight with Clarke are still visible; oddly no one remembers a giant spider monster, and all the gossip is about some freaky lightning that hit the saloon.
Rudebar (with a b, not a p - apparently Evie's not very good at spelling, so please disregard all spurious p's in previous logs) and Evie go shopping, with Sam trailing along behind them (oddly enough not quite as joined to Evie's hip as he had been). Sam occasionally stops when people try to engage him in conversation; these chats don't last long, as Sam stares at the other person in silence, sizing them up in a way that's not entirely comfortable to witness, let alone be on the receiving end of - it's like he's weighing them up either as a meal or an opponent depending on the person. Other than that their time is largely uneventful. They spend around $1200, buying ammo, whiskey, cigars, a new shotgun for Mal and clothes for Evie, Mal and Sam - including three dusters. While on the subject of dusters Evie's keeping an eye out for trademark black ones but doesn't spot any as of yet.
While they're loading the cart Rudie hands Sam a small bible he's procured for the boy; Sam looks at it warily and asks what it is. Rudebar says it's a book, and Sam should read it some time. Sam laughs (which is an odd sound, and one Evie's only heard twice before) but pockets the bible anyway.
Jacob goes to the whorehouse to see if he's inspired enough good will in the lovely ladies - by being a fairly frequent customer - to get them to donate some clothes. They laugh at him and he's forced to hand over money to procure new duds for Malcolm. He also heads to the Sheriff to eye up the wanted posters, and does a little creative vandalism to buy the posse some time.
Isaac goes to try and find the horses, but they're gone.
Malcolm climbs up to the top of the hotel to check the horizon for unwelcome company. He spots a coyote trailing Isaac as he wanders around looking for the horses, and heads down to warn him (the posse having had some experience with demonic coyotes while travelling through the forests on their way to Cliffside the first time); once the coyote realises it's been spotted it scrapers. Malcolm and Isaac then meet up with Jacob. The three of them spot three newcomers heading in through Cliffside's north gate - an elderly man with a handlebar moustache, another, younger, man and a woman. All three are wearing trademark black dusters which the brothers recognise as similar to Evie's old uniform (Malcolm flashes back to the last time he saw that particular coat, where it was used as a tent in the Hunting Grounds) and everyone knows are the mark of the SSA. They rush to find the rest of the posse, who are loading their purchases into Rudebar's cart. Jacob informs Evie that some of her old friends are here and a general consensus is reached that making like a shepherd and getting the flock out of Cliffside is the best plan. Sam sits up front with Rudebar, where Rudie tries to teach him the basics of driving a horse, promising to let him have a go when they're out on a nice straight road. Evie takes a glance out the back as they speed away from the town and spots the Agents - one of them (the guy with the moustache) looks unnervingly like Shelby (her old boss and surrogate father figure), while the other two she doesn't recognise. The woman is definitely packing, though - probably a Gatling gun.
They travel west for a day, reaching the edge of the Grand Canyon. No one is particularly eager to head down there again, so they resolve to head back to Cliffside in the morning and make camp, and the night passes mostly uneventfully despite some argument about keeping watches (Evie insists on taking the first two, as she doesn't want to sleep any more than she has to, while Jacob wants to take one alone with Mal so they can talk) and a weird moment where Rudie wakes up with a start (which he claims is because he's looking for his whiskey). Malcolm and Jacob, when they get some time alone, talk about various things - Jacob's had some visions to do with their father, and would like to go talk to him to see if he has any of the answers about the family destiny. He also wants to go to Lost Angels to wreak vengeance on those responsible for the child murders he (though his visions) had to live through the last time they were in Cliffside. Malcolm darkly comments that he doesn't think he's any better than those cannibals now.
Oh, and there is also hugging. Because it's been too damn long since the brothers saw each other and now seems like a good time. Granted, Malcolm cuts it short (“I ain't no flea-ridden hooker; get your hands off me!”) but the sentiment is there.
The following morning the posse load back onto the wagon with the intention of heading back to Cliffside - hopefully the agents will have moved on, and if they haven't then there'll be a reckoning. At least, the posse as a whole assume they're heading back to Cliffside. Rudie has other ideas, and takes the wagon down a track leading into the wilderness - Evie doesn't recognise it as any track she's familiar with (the Disputed Territories being one of her home turfs) and furthermore doesn't remember it being there last night. Rudie is leading them north west into Injun country. Evie asks what the hell he's playing at and he says this is the best way to go; she asks if that's him or the bottle deciding that and from his garbled answer assumes it's the bottle, which is great news. Rudie is still babbling merrily (and drunkenly) to Sam, trying to teach him something useful; he babbles about how what they're traversing is a goat track (Jacob: “I don't see no goats” / Rudie: “Well there ain't no goats on a goat track! Everyone knows that”) and turns back to retrieve another bottle of whiskey, handing Sam the reins...
Sam lets out a whoop and drives the horses onwards as fast as possible, yelling that he's going to “chase me down some coyotes!” - only Jacob hears this, as everyone else is scrabbling for a handhold while he's just curling up under one of the seats and whimpering (after his last experience on a runaway coach, who could blame him?). Rudie scrabbles for the reins, snatches them from Sam and brings the cart back under some sort of control. Now everyone can see what Sam was chasing; it is indeed two coyotes, who lead the cart into an Injun encampment. As the wagon passes through the entrance to the camp there is a strange sense of travelling somewhere (though thankfully it is nothing like the feeling of travelling through a portal, or into the Hunting Grounds) and the two coyotes transform into Injun braves. Glacing around, Evie knows that this is no longer the Disputed Territories and would feel safe betting it's not anywhere on earth either, while she and Malcolm both recognise the iconography of Jordava's tribe. Evie's heart initially sinks, but they are not met by warriors or by any real hostility whatsoever. Instead the tribe's children offer them fruits and gifts and the chief approaches with a smile. The posse have been expected, he says, and are welcome here.
He leads them to “The Cave of Wisdom” where a peace-pipe is passed around (everyone indulges, because it would be impolite not to; Sam shoots a worried glance at Evie when he's asked to go first, and Malcolm helpfully warns him not to take too big a drag because it'll burn his throat) and everyone generally feels relaxed and more at ease than they have in, in some cases, over 15 years. Which is in itself pretty weird. Once the ritual has been attended to the chief introduces himself as Sitting Bear and says he has a short story, and an offer to make.
He tells the party how this is Jordava's tribe, and that where they are is a place outside of the world where the tribe have lived for the last 200 years. Jordava is missing at present, fighting against The Other (he shoots Evie a pointed glance; she knows perfectly well to whom he is referring) and in his absence Sitting Bear is the chief. He knows what Sam is, and is willing to offer the party a choice; they can stay here, outside of the world they know, and opt not to play the game they've found themselves caught up in. Sam will never need to make the choice between good and evil, they will never have to watch Cliffside burn. They can just opt to be taken off the board and live here, where there is good hunting and where they can find peace. The world will continue, and other pieces will slot into place, and what happens out there no one will know or care; their jobs will be done.
Evie being Evie, she's pretty sure this is too good to be true. She points out that, without wishing to be rude, the last time she found herself in Jordava's company he was not anywhere near as generous. Sitting Bear is well aware of what she is referring to, and reassures her that he has no wish to kill an innocent child, and that his will is supreme here.
Jacob tries to hand Sitting Bear the knife he retrieved from Dripping Fang, thinking it's an Injun relic. Sitting Bear sees Crow's crest and warns him not to show it to anyone else while he's in the camp as it is the sign of The Other and a thing of great evil. Jacob asks what he's supposed to do with it and the chief says that's his choice; Jacob asks if it can be destroyed, and the chief says he will gladly arrange for the ritual to take place tomorrow.
Sitting Bear then departs, saying that he understands that it is a decision which will take some time. Tepees have been set up for the posse, and they are welcome to make themselves at home until they reach a decision. Not everyone has to make the same decision; those that wish to leave may do so without any ill-will. He asks only one thing - that while they are here they refrain from shedding blood in either anger or hate.
Obviously there is a lot to talk about.
Isaac is all for leaving Sam here, and will not hear any argument to the contrary; the boy is a threat, how can the others not see this? Clearly removing the option of him going evil is the best idea.
Sam says that he can't hear his Injun daddy here, and Jacob asks if he means Crow. Sam looks stunned, and whispers to Evie not to be mad because he didn't tell anyone that. Evie decides this is the point to have a word with her son in private. Sam explains that he didn't tell anyone about Crow because he knows it makes Evie sad when he mentions him, and Evie says she knows:
Evie: “Jacob - your daddy - probably figured that out himself. He ain't that stupid”
Sam: “He's still pretty stupid though”
Evie: *laughs* “That he is.”
Sam: “I hate him. I wish Malcolm was my father”
Evie then has an awkward conversation with her son about how it doesn't work that way. Sam complains that Jacob has barely spoken to him, and Evie tries to make some excuses for her ex-lover regarding how strange this all is for him. Sam again says that if he had his way Malcolm'd be his father, and Evie perhaps admits a little too much by agreeing with him that that would probably be easier. Sam ends the conversation in his usual way - he has had enough, and that is that.
They return to the cave where debate is still in full swing; they arrive just in time to hear Jacob saying that he's got too many unanswered questions, and Evie grits her teeth and prepares for another awkward - and long overdue - conversation, taking Jacob aside. She starts by offering an olive branch; she'd like to know where his head's at on this one, because he's Sam's dad and has as much right to be involved as she does - she might not always recognise that, but from now she's going to try to. Jacob unhelpfully replies that he has too many unanswered questions. They talk about Crow, and Evie admits that she's terrified and has no idea how to protect her son from that. Jacob's still confused, and says that he still has questions. Evie offers to give any answers she can and is shot down with Jacob's blunt “You don't have any I want.” Evie's parting shot is that she'd appreciate it if Jacob talked to Sam after all this, diplomatically twisting what Sam had told her to put it to Jacob that Sam thinks he doesn't want him around and saying both she and Sam need him on their side right now.
Meanwhile Malcolm's gone off to talk to Sitting Bear to hammer out exactly what is on offer, asking questions about whether people can come back (specifically thinking about himself and Evie, given their curses mean shedding blood on a regular schedule), whether Crow can get in, what happens about the Apocalypse etc. He returns about the same time as Sam's parents.
Jacob intends to continue the cycle of secret conversations, but Sam objects - he says he's sick of the lying and the sneaking around, and wants people to just talk to each other, which takes everyone slightly aback but they're not in the mood to argue. Jacob says he'd rather have done this in private, but since Sam's against that... here it is; he hands over a small black book, which Sam looks at sidelong before scowling and saying that just because mommy took him aside and yelled at him doesn't mean he has to pretend he wants a son. Evie is quick to point out that she didn't have anything to do with this, and Jacob says he's been preparing this book since he first found out Evie was pregnant; it's the story of Jacob Forge, in as far as he understands it, all about how he got his powers and what it was like growing up with the family curse. No one ever explained anything to him, Jacob says, and he doesn't want his son feeling anything like as lost and alone, not when he's got his father looking out for him. Sam seems slightly taken aback by this and says “Thank you, Dad.”
Sam then asks what they're planning on doing, which is the crux of the argument; it seems that an unspoken agreement has been reached between the extended Forge family, as Evie and Malcolm respond almost in stereo that it's Sam's choice whether he stays here or goes back into the world and whatever decision he makes they're staying with him. Sam queries whether Evie really wants him to make his own mind up, and she says yes, it's his decision; none of them have any right to make it for him and expect him to live by it. Malcolm cuts in (as always, he knows the right thing to say) to point out that they know Sam is young, but they trust him to do the right thing, whatever that is.
Sam considers this, and asks that he be excused because he's tired and his head hurts. Also he asks that he be allowed his own tent for once. Evie reluctantly agrees and Sam leaves.
Jacob heads outside to watch the sunset. He's joined by a very attractive young squaw who slides close to him and puts her hand on his leg; he manages to resist temptation, and starts apologising to her, saying that she's a very pretty young lady but it wouldn't be right because he's not a free man and has responsibilities. She cuts him short, nodding knowingly and suggesting they just enjoy the sunset. Once the sun is down Jacob heads back to the camp and entertains some of the older children with card tricks before they retire.
Malcolm sets up his bedroll outside Sam's tent. Sam sticks his head out and says he'd asked to be alone and would like Malcolm to respect that. Mal says he understands that and he's not coming in, he's just going to stay here because some habits are hard to break. Sam insists Mal leave, and Jacob hears this and tries to back his son up which starts an argument between the brothers - Mal pointing out that he's been watching over the kid for fourteen years and Jacob saying it's time to step aside and let him grow up without being smothered. Malcolm angrily asks what Jacob knows about raising the boy, and what right he has to tell him to step back. They part on bad terms, and return to their shared tent in a grim, awkward silence.
Rudebar asks for some divine guidance and doesn't like the answer he receives.
Rudebar and Evie, back in the cave, have an argument of their own with Isaac who is still convinced they should force Sam to stay on the grounds that there is no way they can expect him to turn out well with this party as guardians. Evie says she refuses to believe that they're going to turn him evil, and Isaac calls her stupid and skulks off.
Rudebar and Evie then talk between themselves about how all this is too good to be true. Rudepar's main argument is that it goes against everything he believes to trust heathens, which isn't quite what Evie is getting at, but she'll take her allies where she can. She engages him in a serious conversation about the apocalypse, since he's the moral compass of the group; she knows it's tempting to walk away and let someone else worry about it, but if the prophecies are right and Sam's the only one that can stop it what right do they have to just abandon the rest of the world because it would be 'easier'? If Sam goes bad, then all that happens is that the inevitable comes a little quicker (assuming they fail to stop him) but if he doesn't... Can they really waste that chance? Rudebar tells her exactly what she wants to hear (i.e. she's right; they can't, in good conscience, just abandon 'the game') and she first investigates the cave paintings (which are very little use; she's expecting some information on the Reckoning and how Sam factors into it, and instead they just show how this place is perfect, untouched by pain or war) and then retires to her tent, and to the first unbroken night's sleep she's had since leaving the Deadlands.
It's noteworthy that at no point do the posse feel that Sitting Bear is lying to them, or that this is an illusion, a spell or anything else dodgy; the offer seems genuine, and the place is likewise genuinely peaceful and welcoming.
Midway through the night Rudie has decided that he's leaving and is preparing the cart. Malcolm and Jacob wake with a start; they'd been having the same dream and it was unsettling whatever it was. They sense something bad is about to happen, and run to check on Sam... who is not in his tent. Malcolm goes to break the news to Evie and it predictably goes down like a lead balloon; the extended Forge family go to look for Sam and head towards Running Bear's tent.
Jacob and Malcolm enter first and find Isaac in the corner, white as a sheet (but understandably no one is really paying attention to him), and Sam stood over the body of Chief Running Bear, whose throat has been ripped out. Sam's face is smeared with blood and chunks of meat... except it's not really Sam, because his eyes are feral and his laugh a horrible, coarse noise. Jacob goes for his cards and Malcolm snarls “Get the fuck out of my boy, Crow” and puts Jordava's knife to Sam's throat.
Enter Evie, who understandably doesn't really process the scene so much as break down entirely on seeing it, falling to her knees with a wail, her hair turning white with shock. As she does, the sense that this is somewhere other than earth falls away abruptly. This also snaps Sam out of whatever trance he's in, and he promptly freaks out, and Malcolm carries him out to the cart. Jacob grabs the catatonic Evie and drags her towards the horses, flinging her over the front of his.
Back on the cart Sam's still freaking out, and Malcolm does his best to calm him down. Sam asks if his mom is okay and Malcolm says she'll be fine because “she's a tough old bitch”. Rudie tries to clean Sam up and Sam starts freaking out about how they both have blood on them now; Rudie says it's nothing he can't handle and gives Sam the whiskey, which he takes a deep draught from. Malcolm uses his Hellfire power to make the campfires flare, hoping this will cause a distraction so the posse can escape. Isaac spots a way out, but there's no way the cart will make it; Rudebar realises this, screams “NOOO! THE WHISKEY!”, stuffs two bottles in Sam's pockets and two in his own, and loads him and Sammy onto one of the horses. They and Isaac ride down the slope away from the village.
Jacob uses his Huckster powers to give Evie a corporeal tweak or two, making her substantially more nimble to compensate for the fact that she's not too fond of horses, and yells for her to go find Sam and make sure he gets away (which helps jolt her back into action; mentioning Sam's pretty good for that) before jumping off the horse and racing back to Malcolm's side, the brothers forming a desperate rearguard to allow the rest of the party to escape. The camp is now coming back to life, and an anguished cry, followed by an angry one, comes from Sitting Bear (or, as we were now calling him, Lying / Sleeping Bear)'s tent.
Evie might be - for once - having no trouble on horseback, but the same is not true of anyone else, unfortunately. Isaac is the first to fumble, his horse skittering off the edge of the mountain pass (which has become steeper and more hostile since the real world started intruding again). He struggles with trying to right it, but to no avail, and is eventually forced to abandon his mount and make a desperate leap for the cliff edge. He cannot find purchase, however, and finds himself scrambling and sliding down the mountainside.
Behind the posse, above the yelling, comes a new sound; beating wings. A flock of crows passes in front of the moon.
Up at the top of the hill several braves have now reached their horses and are racing towards the Brothers Forge. They beat a tactical retreat (shoot, move, shoot again). Malcolm becomes a human pincushion (two arrows in the guts and one in the arm) but manages to down the front horse while Jacob knocks out the rearmost rider with a well-placed soul blast hoping to cause a domino effect. Malcolm also shoots two of the archers but they don't die.
Rudie and Sam are the next to get into trouble. Evie puts on a frantic burst of speed and pulls up alongside the struggling horse, reaching for Sam's hand and managing to get a hold but not having the strength to pull him and Rudebar back from the abyss. Luckily Malcolm is at their side with almost supernatural speed, dropping his pistols, adding his strength to Evie's and saving her and Sam. Rudebar is still falling, however, the weight of his horse above him hastening him to a messy, painful end. Malcolm, being the self-sacrificing bastard he is, has no sooner saved Evie and Sam than he's leaping off the cliff edge to try and rescue Rudie.
Jacob attempts his favourite hex - Shadow Walk - and pops out of the shadows under the horse, which proves to be a pretty stupid idea as the weight of the falling mount smacks his arms away so any chance of catching Rudie is lost and he's now also in trouble. A few desperate casts have him clinging to the clip higher up - safe for now, but unable to offer further assistance.
Evie and Sam are now the only figures on the clifftop, and the attention of the raging Injun horde is directed at them. A well-placed arrow tears a deep gouge across Sam's cheek (conveniently in exactly the same place as the scar older!evil!Sam had) and he lets out a scream which turns into a feral yowl. Evie grabs him under his chin and, forcing him to look her in the eye, uses all her motherly persuasion - “Sam, look at me - look at me, dammit. This is nothing. It's just a scratch. You've had worse, right? So you're not going to give into this fucker.”
Sam nods, shakily, but his hand's still rising to point towards the oncoming warriors as if it's not really under his control.
Malcolm catches up with Rudebar, about 40 feet from ker-splat. He knocks the horse away so it won't crush him, which will perhaps give Rudie a little more of a chance. Rudie, for his part, has uncorked the whiskey and is, in between glugs, praying desperately (highlights including “Oh Lord, I love whiskey. Oh Lord, I hate falling off cliffs. Oh Lord, I hate landing even more”).
Back at the clifftop, a second arrow hits Evie in the back while she's still trying to bring Sam back, and a third tears through Sam's leg. He wrenches out of her grasp, and the sound he makes is one Evie recognises with a spike of fear - it's the same noise he made when he drove Crow away in the Deadlands. Sure enough the flock of Crows scatters and reels away into the dark. More than that, though, the mountainside begins to shake and the Injun village and its warriors are engulfed by an avalanche.
And then Sam stops dead, and turns to Evie, his face white: “He's dead.” Evie asks who's dead, and Sam says “Mal. Mal's dead.” and falls to his knees, crying. Evie drops too, in her case in stunned, hollow silence. Jacob joins them and the sad news is confirmed as he howls and empties his guns towards the sky.
Eventually the sad, much smaller, party must make their way down the cliff. The remains of Malcolm and Rudepar are spread across the ground. Somehow they hold it together long enough to start digging graves - or a grave, since it's hard to tell which bits belonged to which of their fallen companions - for what little remains they can salvage.