Kurt icons

Jan 24, 2006 19:39

01. KURT 02. RYOKI 03. TENTEN 04. YUMA

05. KIAKI 06. OTO 07. TENTEN 08. RYOKI

09. OTO 10. TENTEN 11. TENTEN 12. YUMA

13. KIAKI 14. TENTEN __ __

+ +
ADDITIONAL NOTES x-posted to juuran_circus a while ago..
RULES 1. Please credit!! Don't know how? Go to my userinfo for a quick tutorial. You may also use them outside of LJ but please provide a link to http://singeful.livejournal.com somewhere.
2. Don't claim them as your own.
3. Please don't alter them in any way or use them as bases.
4. If you want tutorials, resources etc.. just ask me.

kurt, icons

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