Title: The Game Rating: M Pairing: Bill/Saul/Laura Summary: Bill and Saul explain 'The Game' they used to play when they were younger to their new lover. Any secret fantasy, no matter what. Laura wants to take a turn and PWP ensues.
I came back to read this again. =) I love the little details you've sprinkled throughout -- Bill and Saul on the ice rink, Bill having to dodge getting a face full of Laura's hair (not that I think he would have minded), the boys' "tactical mission" to divest Laura of her clothing.
And I just adore Laura at the end of this. Glowing, dazed, thoroughly spent, and just so darned cute in her euphoria.
Not to mention the fact that the whole piece is tremendously well paced and sexy. =D
Comments 1
And I just adore Laura at the end of this. Glowing, dazed, thoroughly spent, and just so darned cute in her euphoria.
Not to mention the fact that the whole piece is tremendously well paced and sexy. =D
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