Title: Bubbling Up
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Summary: Originally written for the now (seemingly) abandoned 12C challenge for the prompt 'bubbles.' Bill has a surprise for his friend in those awful last days before her cancer is sent into remission.
Forever blowing bubbles/pretty bubbles in the air )
Comments 4
Tears of Bill will always do me in. and Gratitude of Laura for little comforts.
I do think it's right for Bill that not everything about being married was bad. He's too nuanced a person to throw it all in the bin even after it ended badly.
I love this time period of their friendship. These little comforts fill me with so many feels.
I too like this time in their friendship. On the one hand, it's more complicated because they're just at that stage of trusting each other. On the other hand, it's less complicated because both of them are less damaged than they are later in the series.
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