ok so it is a beautiful spring day here in my little world.. I have just applied to a record number of places for me...25 to be exact and hopefully one will think I am qualified enough to work there... I was supposed to go to Texas to visit my dad,his gf, my sisters, their husbands, my grandma and her bf. And go to the races with dad,mary,grandma
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Call it the blahs.....call it boredom... call it feeling lonely... what ever you call it I have it.. I mean I have friends but because I build walls to protect myself I don't have very many and I don't want to lose the ones that I have because of these damn walls but on the same thought I don't want to let my guard down because every freaking time
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singin4superman's LiveJournal popularity rating is 1.86/10. singin4superman is more popular than 67.0% of all LiveJournal users. singin4superman is more popular than 0.0% of their mutual friends.
I am taking a vacation for a while.. I am not going to be online as much as before and I am going to focus on getting "a real job" as my mom put it this morning when I left to come here to my non real job playing music and broadcasting.. yeah thanks for the support mom... grrr
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This week's questions were suggested by lordameth1) Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself?I consider myself more Irish/English than any of the others
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If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or moritified) about what people remember about