1. Where and when did you start RPing?
Uuuuugh, what are we considering rping? 'Cause, like. I've been playing imagination games since I was two. If we want to get technical and define it as on the internet, probably Neopets? Haha, I remember having to fake my age on an account because I was too young to see the forums.
2. Do you RP anywhere other than LJ?
Nope. LJRP has kind of eaten my soul.
3. Do you play in any public games?
I'm not cool enough for private games, silly. I play at
soul_campaign, and
4. Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?
Prose is the devil for me. I just get so...intimidated when there's like a four paragraph tag sitting in my inbox and I can't think of anything and grahjrbje I always peter out and don't tag back eventually.
Commentspam is userfriendly, ok. ;A;
5. What was the first character you ever played?
Really godawful OCs. And then probably Tenten from Naruto?
6. Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
Fffft why would you ask me that. I guess it would be Anastasia, in that tagging with her always comes pretty easily. She was also the first historical character I ever played, and paved the way to Pochontas, Martha Jefferson, and all the other amazing real people I play.
And she also paved the way for my apparently permanent entanglement with the Western cartoon franchises.
7. What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?
That would be my LSG characters. The very longest one would be...geez, like about two years. How did I get so flaky after that? orz
8. What's your biggest RP pet peeve?
People who im me every time I'm on. U-um, honestly? You're scaring the crap out of me and making me feel uncomfortable. Please, not every time I go on. You're making me skulk around on invisible. ;A;
Also, people who consistently drop tags with me and go tag other people at the same time, or drop tags on plot important threads. It makes me feel like I'm walking around in my underwear or something.
9. Do you read RP secrets and the RP anon meme?
Yes, yes I do. Meme is to selfishly look for my name, RP!S because it's a habit and I've met some nice people there.
10. If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
My first game was a comm-based, and comm-based will always be my one true love. I'm just too scatterbrained to keep up with friend add/removes.
11. Would you rather play with someone who's very very IC but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always IC (but not terrible) and a great writer?
If they're tagging me back at a good pace and I'm having fun then I don't care how they write.
12. Do you have a "RP partner"?
If I do I think they went out for a loaf of bread and owe me some alimony.
13. Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? Who?
I can barely keep up with myself, haha. But I still watch over Discedo every now and then to see how everyone's doing.
14. In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?
Either Personality or the samples. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PSYCHOANALYZE, I'M SORRY I'M NOT GOING TO BE A PHILOSOPHY MAJOR. And also I never know what to write about for me samples. Hetali's a bitch to write out history for, though. Jesus H. Christ.
15. Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
...maybe. I get a little anal about the layout, but I usually forget all about the profile.
16. What was your first game?
vortexxworld, although I did some hardcore playing with the same group of people on a Harry Potter forum.
I actually played in an LJ game at
laststopgakuen. I consider this my real first. ♥
17. Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
Nope. I don't know enough canons to be able to do this.
18. Most memorable scene in any thread?
Either Darth Vader commanding a flock of ostriches or
this. Those are the first that come to mind. I've had so much funnnn playing. :D
19. Do you RP sex?
No. And I never will.
20. Do you play more males or females?
I think I'm pretty even right now, actually.
21. What won't you RP?
Smut. Iiiiii probably could think of some other things, but they've never come up so.
22. Dressing rooms: yes or no?
Dressing rooms are nice places for me to take breaks from stressing myself over real games. I've met a couple very rad people in them.
23. Ever RPed a pairing?
No. I don't seem to be very skilled in attracting people who want to do pairings of any sort. Just once. That's all I'm asking. Just ooooonce.
24. Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
Idk. I just like to play and have fun. /sounds like such a hippie god
25. Talking RP with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
Probably a little bit of both! I know that I stalk people who play the same characters as I do and despair over how much better they're doing and what a curse I am to my game/dr/dm/universe, but I don't think I've ever actually talked shop with a fellow mun.
Also! I'm going to be applying for an epic paid intership over the summer at a museum. Wish me luck, I want it so badly. *A*