⌦ the player & the character
YOUR NAME: Bokunenjin (Boku)
OVER 18? Yes
EMAIL/IM PM journal | bokunenjin84 (aim)
CHARACTER Allen Walker
TIMELINE Chapter 206
http://dgrayman.wikia.com/wiki/Allen_Walker ⌦ history & personality
He's someone that grows and changes remarkably, multifaceted and human in ways that can make someone's head spin and to which the reaction "LOL ALLEN" is frequent when one is reading D.Gray-Man for the sheer amount of absolutely unexpected things he can pull, often while apparently moodswitching on a dime. He's contextual and empathetic, shifting with the atmosphere and who he's talking with. A steely kind of quiet strength that continues to grow as he does, caring and loving so deeply and freely and not afraid of that making him weak--rather that it is his strength.
He’s a bundle of balanced contradictions, but he's ever kind-hearted.
He starts out as a 15 year old boy that’s polite almost to a fault, keeping a lot of his less than pleasant thoughts to himself or muttered aside. Really, he came across very gentle, very British and a near-perfect gentleman at first--but it, like the strained or almost ethereally peaceful smiles he can get in the face of disaster and heartbreak, is something that glosses over a lot of what’s actually going on. Truth be told, he was a terribly bitter child at first. Fights and scraps and angry at the world and so bitter over never belonging or getting even scraps of human love that he was jealous of and ended up taking on the life of a dog. Still, it wasn't until later after Mana's death and Allen was in a traumatized state that the child did almost a complete 180 in personality, wholly adopting Mana's beliefs, manners, and even his style of speaking. It's been likened to a "mask", one which characters have pointed out even Allen himself is dropping more.
Allen himself is still a little scrappy, a little rough around the edges, but over time as he really settles into a life at the Order, gets friends (which the implication is he never really had before, only one that died implicated in the anime), and has to start growing up and really reforging the vows he made to save akuma, to keep walking, to protect his friends--he starts becoming a lot more true to himself. It’s lampshaded by others even, how he’s become more casual in how he speaks. He acts a lot rougher, too--really, he can be quite the tsun and brawler around sorts like Kanda. He maintains a chivalrous, white knight kind of mentality (draping an arm darkly around someone when they inadvertently made a girl cry and quietly threatening they should apologize), but it’s in a more blunt, plainspoken kind of way where he comes across as a much stronger person. Never unkind, but more forthright. He has clearly stated and shown that he’s choosing his own path now, and the formality is being left behind with it. He’s not rude (generally), not unkind, but he’s blunter and will speak his mind more freely.
To be fair, Allen also has a very distinctive "dark" side, generally brought out comically by the extreme amounts of traumatized nostalgia he has--and often related to his travels with his master General Cross. He is ruthless at poker and will cheat to win, can be extraordinarily morbid with the shiniest of smiles, blackmail to get his way, and do this simultaneous sort of smiling “quiet person finally losing it” kind of act that would make the toes of most people curl. And then he can pop, smiling and innocent, right back to normal a second later. It's a cope by whatever means sort of mentality. If he doesn’t become just a little unhinged someday it will be a miracle.
But a key thing to note about Allen is that, while he is called naive, he is not. He is an idealist and optimist arguably to a fault, will smile and shine and burn so very brightly with hope and clinging to any little thing to help him smile and move forward--but he recognizes that, and he never really is unaware of just how bad things are. He is aware--but he doesn’t see any point in staying upset over something he can’t change. If he can do something he will set himself to doing it, and if he can’t do anything then he will find a way to cope, smile, and carry on. He accepts his punishments and even if he doesn’t like the actions of someone, he can empathize and understand where they’re coming from. Really, he carries himself very much like a sinner that never expects forgiveness but instead forgives everyone. Caring, considerate, feeling pain and sorrow and love so very strongly, never looking away from the horrors that are constantly in his life but instead looking them directly in the face and finding a way to smile and carry on anyway as best he can.
And he is a self-sacrificing martyr of sorts--trying to turn own hand against his throat when it was out of control and forcing his body to attack a comrade because he would rather it kill himself than harm a comrade. But the key thing to note that, even with his never-forgiven-sinner air and intense guilt-complexes he carries with him and can pick up at the drop of a hat, is that he is not remotely suicidal. He is self-sacrificing if that is what it takes to protect those he holds dear, but he outright says that he wants nothing more than to live and continue to exist in the world. He’s scared of dying, of disappearing, and he is honor-bound by his promise to Mana as well to keep walking. As dark or low as it gets he always looks forward and for ways to continue to exist and protect those he cares about--but if protection calls for risking his life or if his existence proves to be a harm to others (if he awakened as the 14th and turned on his friends) he won’t shy away from the prospect of death.
In recent chapters he has clearly started actually becoming independent and making his own choices and separating from institutes that had ruled his life before: not angrily, but peacefully and sadly (with a smile) as it’s leaving, for now, his home behind while he tries to make sense of himself and his place in the world, of rights and wrongs and what he should do. He’s even started, shock of all shocks, to take true pride in being the student of Cross and claim that title. Not compromising on being an Exorcist, what he’s promised to Mana and himself, but he doesn’t need the Order to do that. Even if he still considers it home. He doesn’t know a lot else beyond that, just that his path is parting from them for now and he has to find out how to balance the Innocence and Noah within him while remaining himself---and that there are suddenly pros and cons to both. He’s shades of gray, always recognizing that, and in a state of flux where he tries to balance all his vows and conflicting aspects into something where he holds true to who he is, to everyone he cares for, and comes out somewhere between the two sides.
He is his own side to just about any war and a humanitarian through and through.
in detail |
nutshell for roleplay/panfandom A slender but extremely physically fit young man, Allen’s a normal human until you get to... well, actually there’s very little normal about him. He was born as someone chosen by God to fight akuma (mechanical not-exactly-demon food soldiers powered by human souls)/Dark Matter with a weapon called Innocence--a material that is fused with his very DNA as his left arm and makes him a literal living anti-akuma weapon. The Innocence, called Crown Clown for the appearance it gives him when active, is now also fused with his heart after it did so to save his life--which means the only way to destroy his Innocence now is to kill Allen himself. However, recently his Innocence is in a state where it seems to be betraying Allen himself--or at least his wishes. Invocations have been accidental, chaotic, and he fights against it more even if he won’t give it up. This will likely continue in such a state until he “finds himself” again so to speak and comes to a new understanding and pledge with Crown Clown.
He is also cursed by an akuma--his own adoptive father he accidentally turned into one and killed--resulting in his white hair, scar and pentagram on his face, and more to the point his left eye which allows him to see the souls of akuma.
But if that wasn’t a complication enough, he is also the next chosen host of the 14th Noah, Nea, though his awakening is only partial. Beyond the fact the Noah is one of the “players” that can move Noah’s Ark and create gates, the powers of the 14th are essentially unknown. Being injured by Innocence, proximity to the Earl, and (recently only) moments of mental weakness or giving in can allow the 14th to start to take control of Allen’s body. However, recently he has been shown with gray skin but fully himself mentally. There is very little canonly known about the 14th. (Which I do not plan on running with until there is more canon information.)
LIMITATIONS: I am presuming he’ll have no ability to access the Ark by default. Considering it’s somewhere between a ship and a full-sized city in a pocket dimension and would let him instantly warp via gates to anywhere he’s previously been.
⌦ nuadoria specific
Clothes on his back (prisoner's tunic) and shackles on his ankles,
Timcanpy (strong bond, canon relevance).
White lab (normal),
spectral wolf (battle)
Allen is the sort of person who will tirelessly search for a way back home, but specifically not just for himself but everyone else likewise trapped there. But as he himself states, he is a man moved not by the 'big picture' but what's in front of his eyes, and people and worlds in conflict will quickly earn his caring. His own world and returning to his promises there will always be at the forefront for him, but he'll come to care for whatever world he's currently in at the time as well: at least the people in it. And he's been used to utterly horrific treatment and near death experiences for... most of his life. He can handle monsters, being essentially a kind of fighting clergyman (if really having virtually nothing to do with clergy, especially anymore). Additionally, he's an extremely handy jack of all trades sort who's used to surviving by the skin of his teeth. He'll be just fine until he passes out from hunger trying to help someone else.
It's his ability to adapt to anything and care for everyone, even enemies and people he disagrees with, that lets him fit in and contribute just about anywhere.
⌦ samples
(third person sample) ➋
(third/first person sample)➌
(first person sample)