1. What do you wish you had been named? Evelyn
2. What is the nickname most people call you? Joe
3. Do you plan to change your name when you're 18? If so, to what? No. I like Kirsten, except when people think my name is Kristen. I hate that!
4. If you could become any age you wanted, right now, what age would it be and why? 21, so I could easily buy alcohol.
5. Why is (insert your favorite color here) your favorite color? Silver, because it reminds me of elves.
6. If your first choice of careers doesn't work out, what would you choose as a "backup?" A teacher, even though that’s what I currently want to be, but my first choice would be an actress, but that’s not going to work out.
7. What holiday could you easily do without? Easter
8. Assuming you have a crush on somebody, what is it exactly that you like about him/her? If you don't have a crush, what is the one quality that the person absolutely has to have? They like me for who I am, and don’t get freaked out when I am myself. They don’t mind that I am not a wicked girly girl, or I don’t have the best body. He likes me for who I am.
9. What singer or band can you imitate the best? Lmao. I do a mean impression of Cher. Honestly.
10. If your life were a book, what genre would it be? What about it's rating (G, PG, etc)? It’d probably be one of those teen drama books. My life always has some sort of drama, and it’d probably be rated R.
11. Do you worry about finding your soul mate and getting married? No. I used to believe in soul mates, but I don’t anymore. There’s no such thing.
12. If you could choose how to die, how would you? In my sleep, or at least saving someone.
13. If you were the opposite sex for a day, would you have sex with somebody of the same sex that you used to be (ex: if you're a girl and turned into a guy for a day, would you have sex with a girl, and vice versa for guys), and why/why not? No way! I’d have sex with a guy if I turned into a guy. Pussy just… does not appeal to me.
Type of chocolate: Milk chocolate
Eye color: Blue or green
Dog breed: I don’t really like dogs, but… um husky?
Period in history: Probably the 1500-1600’s. Maybe 1700’s during the Revolutionary war.
Word to use when you want to sound smart: I don’t really know. Inconceivable. Haha, “You use that word a lot. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -The Princess Bride
Candle scent: Cinnamon
Method of communication (in person, telephone, etc): Probably telephone or AIM
Language: I love Gaelic… or Elvish lol
Famous painting: A Starry Night- Van Gogh. I know it’s very cliché now because everyone seems to like it now.
Weather: Sunny
Summer activity: Sleeping in
Winter activity: Ice Skating
Computer game: Monkey Island! Damn, I haven’t played that in so long! I love that game.
Boredom-buster: Music
Newspaper comic: I don’t like comics
Section in a bookstore: Fantasy
Sex/romantic scene in a movie: Umm… the only one I actually remember is in Titanic.
The one you can stand for the longest amount of time: Um… all of them?
Wears the funkiest socks: Colleen
The activist: Melissa
The most boy (or girl) obsessed: Justin
The horniest: Susan
The best musician: Seth
The overachiever: Melissa
The DIYer: I don’t know what that is
The worst taste in music: Josh!
Needs a life: Josh <3 lol
You absolutely couldn't live without: All of them
The best singer: Hm. Susan
The most expansive vocabulary: Susan
Has the niftiest house: Seth or Asa
Has the prettiest handwriting: Kaitlin
Talks way too much: Josh
The one you truly worry about: Asa
Never gets sick, damn them: All of my friends get sick. But I didn’t miss 1 day of school last year! Hah!
Elvis or Madonna? Madonna
Green or red? Red
Sci-fi thriller or trashy romance? Sci-fi thriller
Martial arts or yoga? Yoga
Lollipop or Hershey's Kiss? Hershey’s Kiss
When you sleep, bedroom door open or closed? Closed!
Jacket or sweatshirt? Sweatshirt
Radio or CDs? Cds
Recliner chair or cushion on the floor? Recliner chair
Bunk bed: top or bottom? Bottom
Handwriting or typing? Typing
Chicken Soup: the book or the food? The book
Ballet or jazz? Ballet
1. If babies could talk at birth, what do you think would be the first thing they say? I’m hungry
2. If you could read minds, would you enjoy knowing what people were thinking, or would breaching their privacy bother you? Would you consider it a burden to know everyone's innermost thoughts? No. I’d want to know what people are thinking. That’d be wicked cool.
3. Do you think you could survive in the Middle Ages? Hell yeah! I want to live during that time so badly.
4. If you knew as a little kid what you know now, what one situation would you choose to do differently? I wouldn’t stick my head in a cathouse. I’d stick up for myself more.
5. If you were given the choice to know exactly when, how, and where you would die, would you choose to know? And if you did choose to know, would you try and cheat death? I would not want to know at all. But I would try to cheat death, if I did know.
6. If you got pregnant (guys, just play along) before you were ready, what would you do? Would you ask your parents for help, or keep it from them? I’d eventually tell them and ask to get an abortion. This is the fact that I am 16. But if I was married or at least 18 and in a serious relationship, then I’d probably have the baby.
7. Do you think you would enjoy being the opposite sex for the rest of your life? What would be so enjoyable/hellish about it? I’d be alright. I’d like being a guy because I wouldn’t have to deal with my period, pregnancy, being taken advantage of. I wouldn’t like the whole being horny all the time or having to prove how tough I was and all of that.
8. If someone came up with an elixir that made you immortal, would you take it? If you would, what would you do with all the extra time? If you wouldn't, well, why not? Yeah, I would take it. I’d get to live forever and see how the world changes and it’d be cool.
9. Does the thought of being a vampire appeal to or disgust you? It’s not something I’d want to be.
10. If you were given magical powers to do just one thing, what would you do (besides giving yourself unlimited magical powers)? I’d probably want to fly.
11. If you could go back into history and change one thing only, what would you change? What do you think the repercussions of the change will be? I honestly wouldn’t change anything. That would just fuck up the future.