
Aug 06, 2004 16:05

Date: August 6, 2004.
Time: 4:04 P.M
[x] Name: Kirsten
[x] What does it mean: The Annointed
[x] Nickname: Joe, Kir, KK
[x] How did you get your nickname: Joe-because I used to look like Joey Ramone, Kir- It's my name shortned, KK- because my dad just called me KK 
[x] Gender: Female.
[x] Homo/Bi/Straight: Straight.
[x] Single/Taken: Single
[x] Location: Mashpee, MA.
[x] Digits: Um, ask me in person
[x] Sign: Capricorn
[x] Eye Color: Hazel
[x] Make-up: rarely
[x] Hair color: Reddish brown
[x] Long or short hair: Medium
[x] Height: 5‘9"
[x] Weight: 125ish
[x] Tattoos: I'll get the dropkick murphys logo on my back someday
[x] Piercings: nada
[x] Nationality: 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Austrian
[x] Shampoo: Dove or Herbal Essence
[x] Conditioner: see above
[x] Body wash: don't use it. Soap is fine
[x] Lotion: anything that smells good.
[x] Animal: Pig
[x] Fast food: Umm McDonalds?
[x] Restaurant: I don't have a favorite 
[x] Fruit: Pineapple or Strawberries
[x] Vegetable:  broccoli
[x] Soda: Dr. Pepper or Root beer.
[x] Alcoholic drink: Rum! lol straight rum is fine. 
[x] Cigarette: Parliaments taste like mashed potatoes lol. But I dont smoke.
[x] Drug: Pot?
[x] TV show: ER or Sex and the City 
[x] Cartoon: Daria
[x] Band: I don't have a favorite. Probably Bright Eyes or Dropkick Murphys (yes, quite a dramatic genre change)
[x] Song: No idea. 
[x] Thought: My eye hurts 
[x] Music: At the moment, Minor Threat- Bottled Violence
[x] Food: Nothing
[x] Drink: nothing.
[x] Clothing: blue jeans, belt, Juliana Theory shirt, shoes, socks, etc
[x] Hairstyle: Down... like always
[x] Mood: bored, annoyed
[x] Shoes: Saucony
[[------HAVE YOU EVER------]]
[x] Done drugs: Yeah.
[x] Drank alcohol: Yeah.
[x] Had sex: Yeah.
[x] Stripped: Eh, no.
[x] Skinny dipped: yes.
[x] Fist fought: nope.
[x] Broke a bone: no
[[------WHAT MAKES YOU------]]
[x] Happy: Friends and chocolate
[x] Angry: dentists, school, work 
[x] Depressed: boys, Seth, my parents 
[x] Nervous: driving
[x] Scared: death, being shut down, math, aliens, willy wonka
[[------WHO IS THE------]]
[x] Hottest guy: Um... Cal? And then I have a list of others lol. Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, the usual lol.
[x] Hottest chick: Me, you dumb fucks.
[x] Loudest: Oh, this is about friends? Um... Greg
[x] Quietest: Jamie
[x] Talented: We're all talented
[x] Motherly: Meghan
[x] Asshole: Lot's of my friends are assholes, but the biggest one as of now is probably Josh (I can't wait for the comments on his entry) lol.
[x] Druggie: hahah, WELL, besides Josh and Meghan, the rest of us are.
[x] Funniest: Colleen probably
[x] Annoying: No one
[x] When was the first time you ever smoked pot: With Chelsea I think in her room. And then me trying to call my mom, but I couldn't stop laughing. It's on video tape!
[x] The last time you smoked pot: A few days ago? lol.
[x] First time you ever drank alcohol: drank? Um sometime during April or May?
[x] Last time you drank alcohol: Sometime during July
[x] First time you ever smoked a cigarette: July
[x] Last time you smoked a cigarette: um, end of July
[x] First time you ever experienced any other drugs, but pot: Excluding pills, I haven't do any other drug.
[x] Last time you ever did any other drugs:
[x] Do you have a crush: No, not really. I just think some kids are wicked hot, but hey, I don't have any girlfriendish feelings for them. 
[x] What‘s their name:
[x] Do you have a boyfriend: No
[x] What‘s their name:
[x] Do you have a girlfriend: No
[x] What‘s their name:
[x] What age did you lose your virginity at: 15
[x] Do you regret it: No, actually, I don't.
[x] How many sexual partners have you had: Three...
[x] How many were guys: All of them
[x] How many were girls: none.
[x] How many guys have you kissed: 4
[x] How many girls have you kissed: 1/2 lol
[x] Have you ever thought about being Homosexual or Bisexual: No. I've always known I was straight.
[x] If you are a female: If you got pregnant and didn‘t want the child, would you abort it: Definitely.
[x] Abortion: ALL FOR IT!
[x] George Bush: Ew
[x] Religion: Religion will be the end of the world. Religion causes too many problems.
[x] Pre-marital sex: For
[x] Drugs: Definitely
[x] War: It's ok in some cases.
[x] Coke or Pepsi: pepsi.
[x] Kiss or Hug: Depends on who it is.
[x] Small or Big: medium?
[x] Decaf coffee or Regular: Ech! I hate coffee
[x] Deaf or blind: Deaf
[x] If you were condemned to death, would you rather burn or freeze to death: Freeze
[x] Who is your best friend: I don't really have 1 bestfriend anymore, but I'd say Meghan.
[x] How old are they: 16.
[x] How long have you known them: For 7 years
[x] Where did you meet: School.
[x] Exactly how did you meet [[Give details]]: Um, It was 4th grade and it was lunch. I was the new kid and I didn't know anyone, so she said I could sit with her.
[x] Best memory: There are way too many. Going to New York, her mom's dildos, watching porn with the black box, many many boyfriends, going out to dinner with Mumu "my nips are frozen", umm so many inside jokes!
[x] Worst memory: The fact that we're not that close anymore.
[x] What were your thoughts when you first met them: She's nice.
[x] Have your thoughts changed since then: completely. No.
[x] Have they changed your life at all: Yes, she is always there for me, and understands what I go through. She's just awesome. 
[x] Have you done anything that you regret: No
[x] What do you regret: Nada
[x] Is there anything you‘d like to tell them now: You've always been there for me even when I haven't been there for you because I take you for granted a lot, but I understand and I know you're my best friend.
[x] Father‘s name: Scott
[x] What did/does he do for a living: He fixes computers of the telephone
[x] Mother‘s name: Kirsten
[x] What did/does she do for a living: She works with retarded people at a group home
[x] Any sisters: Yeah
[x] Their names: Marissa and Stephanie
[x] Their ages: 14 and 12
[x] Any brothers: nope
[x] Their names:
[x] Their ages:
[x] Who do you live with: Mom, dad, nan, marissa, stephanie
[x] Do you get along with your parents: Sometimes
[x] Do you get along with your siblings: Not that much anymore. They tell on everything I do.
[x] This survey is almost done, are you glad: Not really, I am still bored, and I have 2 hours until Susan gets here.
[x] What is your favorite quote: I dont have one
[x] What time is it now: 4:32 P.M
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