[Oh wow, check out this motherfucker: Raimi doesn’t look like he’s stepped foot outside of his flat for days. He currently sports ashen features, and a shocked expression that’s been perpetually plastered onto his face that can perceived only under the glowing monitors that light up his room. His jaw is stiff, staring wide-eyed at the screen as he lies there on the cold floor wearing only his boxers and entangled in bedsheets. Just what you wanted to see today, I’m sure.
Judging by that “I can see forever” look he’s got on right now, if anyone had to take a wild guess here it would be that someone is miles and miles away, and is definitely not having what you’d call the
best trip in the world. There would be monologues; lots and lots of monologues and word vomit, but like hell if he’s sharing any of them.]