
Dec 24, 2011 16:50

[ See Jade.

See Jade sitting in snow, surrounded by snowmen.
And snow women.
And snowdogs, snowrobots, and snowAIs. ]Merry Christmas! I tried to make a snowman for every person on the station, but I think I forgot some. I never celebrated it at home like this, with the decorations and the tree and stuff...especially since it was just me and my dog ( Read more... )

jade harley

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video; cloverdaleboy December 24 2011, 22:00:42 UTC
[So Scott's all looking in the network and homg he loves what Jade is doing with the snow and the pie and the holiday spirit.]

Hm. You got a snowsoldier in there? [He smiles, and then looks in the video a bit more.] Wow, these are pretty great. You're an amazing snowman-builder. You should have seen mine, it was kind of, well...awful. Hehe.


video; memorymodus December 24 2011, 22:03:33 UTC
[ Jade is ALL ABOUT the holiday spirit! ]

Definitely! There are lots of them. [ She ambles through the rows of snowmen to find the orderly row of snow soldiers, including the one that looks like Scott. At least, it would if it wasn't entirely snow. ] Thanks! If you want, you can come practice with me. It took me a long time to get really good.


video; cloverdaleboy December 24 2011, 22:13:57 UTC
[omg this makes Scott all warm and gooey inside to know someone took the time to make something intense like this.]

Haha, yeah, I might have to take you up on that offer. Looks like you play in the snow often...ever gotten sick from being out in it so long? I know I have. [Smile.]


video; memorymodus December 24 2011, 22:23:10 UTC
I play in the snow almost every day. [ And oh boy is she proud, she loves the snow. ] But yeah, getting sick is the worst! I got the flu back in summer and it sucked.


video; cloverdaleboy December 24 2011, 22:28:12 UTC
[Well, Scott heard "flu" and "summer" in the same sentence, so that's sort of weird to him. But, he's still all baaww snow girl at this point.]

Well, in that case, thanks for making this place a little more cheery. I don't know if you know, but some of the people here, well...they're not very pro-winter. Some of them really hate it, which I don't get at all.


video; memorymodus December 24 2011, 22:34:33 UTC
[ Sacrosanct: where nothing makes sense. ]

They are so weird! All of my friends think snow is bad, even though I keep telling them that it's not. I'm glad that someone else thinks it's cool, too.

[ A smile. ] I'm Jade. It's nice to meet you!


video; cloverdaleboy December 24 2011, 22:39:28 UTC
[Ding! Scott's like, hmmm, I hope she doesn't know that creepy guy, by which he means Karkat, since she mentioned "all my friends" and "think snow is bad".]

Oh, yeah, my bad, it's nice to meet you! I'm Lt. Scott. Sometime soon, we'll definitely have to get together and show those guys snow is great, huh?

[More smiles for you. He's thinking, score! A friend!]


video; memorymodus December 26 2011, 01:36:52 UTC
[ Karkat is her bffsies 4 ever!!! ]

Nice to meet you, Lt. Scott! We should definitely play in the snow sometime. People just don't understand how cool it is.


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