> Vriska: Reunite with your 8eloved magical dice.

Feb 03, 2011 00:49

[The video shows Vriska grinning with barely-restrained giddiness. If she's in any way affected by the recent troll drama, she certainly isn't showing it!]

Ladies, gentlemen, thieving little grubfuckers. Considering my audience, I'm gonna make this veeeeeeeery quick and very simple.

This is the point where I get my stuff back!

I know it was you who took my dice, Blonde Thief Lady. And I know you're not exactly going to be cooperative about returning them without a little, shall we say... encouragement? So. You wanna see what I found on one of my trips to the junkyard?

[Vriska cackles dramatically, smirks, then...]

[...Produces a stuffed bunny from offscreen. And points a gun at it. What. The. Fuck.]

[Anyone familiar with terrible 21st century Earth human cinema might recognise this as a ripoff of a scene from the film Con Air. Everyone else will... Well. Everyone else will probably wonder why there's a thirteen-year old alien girl threatening to kill a stuffed plush bunny rabbit on the network. These grey kids, man. So crazy.]

... Is thiiiiiiiis incentive enough? Poor widdle Bunny! Haha.

You want it? Come and get it. But no funny stuff. You come to my place, you bring back what you stole, and you wait outside for further instructions.

Make a move and the bunny gets it.

[Annnd Vriska pings her current location to Parker. Because she had to move house again, Jegus.]


[Yeah, she hasn't even bothered cutting Eridan out of this filter. Have fun with that.]

Heeeeeeeey, assholes!
You know how I said I could oooooooo8viously 8eat Eridan and you guys were all "ooh, 8luh 8luh, don't do it Vriska, you will get threshed 8luh 8luh he will kill you with fakey fake magic 8luh"?
Or words to that effect, anyway.


You're welcome. 8888)

vriska serket

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