Mar 07, 2011 11:41

[have radio static. then agitated tapping]

'Seen a lot 'a things in my day, cities built under the sea, read god damned monsters but this- right outside these walls are nothing. Nothing at all. Just a damned- damned void. I keep thinkin', what would good ol' Ryan do? The naive bastard, probably always wanted ta reach the stars.

[he stops as if catching himself. Suddenly he forces a warm tone again] Ah, look at me ramblin' to meself. Old habits... they die hard.

[To Jack; Encrypted 50%]

[and in a few more moments it's private message time! Someone sounds just a little bit tried] Lad, haven't heard from you since your last stunt. It's been- [give him a minute, the accent almost slipped. God he's tired.] a long damned week. Never a break, eh boyo?


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