okay thii2? count2 a2 kiind of fuckiing creepy. 2uddenly the liight2 are all off, 2hiit ii2 malfunctiioniing everywhere and people are beiing mo2tly pretty quiiet and kiind of worriied. oh yeah, and ii kiind of LO2T THREE FUCKIING DAY2 OF MY MEMORY. yeah that2 pretty fanta2tiic ii2nt iit. there2 a whole conver2atiion on the network ii dont even remember haviing and ii dont know what the fuck happened.
2iince ii obviiou2ly have no iidea what the grubfuckiing 2hiit ii2 goiing on iim ju2t goiing two a2k iif anyone el2e doe2. iim not countiing on anythiing becau2e you mentally defiiciient drone leaviing2 dont tend two know 2hiit but whatever. maybe iill get lucky. and maybe iill 2tart paiintiing my fuckiing face and prayiing two the miirthful me22iiah2. ii dont fuckiing know.
[ private to bffs; ]
hey you two okay, ii dont know what2 goiing on and ii havent 2een you guy2 on the network iin my liittle memory hole, ju2t 2ound off iif youre all riight ok
[ ooc| guess who had his first death and wasn't going through the teleporters because he didn't trust them after the station went wonky, oops. boy is now freakin' out. ]