[What's this a video post!? Gasp. Sorry Vriska. Time to have your ~DREAMS~ shattered.]
[It's Bro! He's... standing... in a shower? What? And he is wearing only a towel and his sunglasses. Also he has the biggest shit eating grin ever.]
[Thankfully he actually doesn't look so bad without a shirt. Dude works out. Granted, he's also pasty pale, but that's likely because he's, y'know. Strawberry blond. Actually to be fair he has a slight t-shirt tan, damn Texan sun from back home; but he makes it work somehow.]
[... and when he speaks he sounds EXACTLY like
Isaiah Mustafa. THANK YOU SOLLUX &hearts]
Hello Sacrosanct. Look at your men, now back to me, now back to your men, now back to me. Sadly, they aren't me, but they could be like me if they stopped having giant rods up their collective assholes and learned to appreciate the fine art of irony and also slick beats. Look down, back up, where are you?
[Holy crap the scene actually changed. It's clear now that SOMEONE has learned to use the holographic VR rooms. Yep, he is now indeed on a boat, and in shorts. Still no shirt though.]
You're on a ship with the bro your men could be like. What's in your hand, back to me. I have it, it's a CD mix of those sweet tunes you love. Look again, the CD is now diamonds.
Anything is possible when your men are like Bro and not space marines. I'm
on a horse. [
this horse. Yeah. Somehow he makes this look manly and hardcore. Even riding it backwards.]