I did try to warn you all that the Spartans have proven to be extremely xenophobic. I would strongly suggest taking some form of action to prevent them gaining control over the station. In the meantime, I wish you all the best of luck in dealing with them! Some of them have proven to be particularly belligerent.
I wouldn't be surprised if they started attacking children next.
[ He manages to sound slightly worried there, but then gets right back to being obnoxiously perky. ]
During my original encounter with their faction I came across evidence of hormonal rutting between individuals identifying as siblings. I am aware that this is considered taboo amongst homo sapiens--is it possible this is a sign of mental abnormalities? It might explain several of their behavioral defects.
Their choice in allies doesn't particularly inspire confidence in their judgment or mental stability, either.
[ Prism ever so helpfully tacks on stolen security footage of
O'Brien stuck in a tree. ]