who ; Barricade and YOU!
what ; Barricade is chilling out as a car in public, observing all of you like a complete creeper.
where ; Residential Zone 01 - Kurzweil
when ; Now-ish
warning(s) ; None yet? Will be added as required.
note ; Can do prose or [action tag], whichever you prefer. Your character is welcome to identify the Decepticon logo on
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Can't do that, Dave.
"I would not care if they hadn't found ways to pierce our armor." He can distinctly recall sabot rounds burning agony into his flanks, a narrow escape.
He spins his back tires briefly, kicking up a little rubber smoke. "Wouldn't dare try t'shove everyone under the same opinion umbrella." Unless they're his Autobots. Then they are pretty much dead in his optics.
The spinning tires are strangely comforting and she tilts her head. "And your opinion of me?"
His engine rumbles as he thinks. "Not every day I meet someone not of my species that reacts so mildly t'me." And that makes her interesting, and cut above most others. Not trustworthy, but still. "More than acceptable."
She doesn't know about the Autobots or the war or anything beyond the most basic knowledge of Cybertron being a mechanised world. The handful of robots she's met have been 'Cons and even then she hasn't bothered asking. What's the point when she isn't aware there are sides?
His rumbles remind her of her own engines and she hums quietly in response, relaxing a little. "I am pleased I pass muster, then."
He's certain of this, for a fact. Barricade has never heard of other 'Bots being just as monstrous as Decepticons. Though he still prefers the company of his own faction, regardless of timestream. And without his Autobots there's no reason to bring up N.E.S.T. in anything more than passing. He wants to put them far behind him anyway.
"Should be. Doesn't happen everyday." He pauses for a moment, apparently appraising her. "Designation's Barricade, by the way."
"Barricade," she repeats, inclining her head toward the car. "Translated or acquired? And I am the TARDIS."
"Translated. Though it might as well be acquired." He considers her name for a moment or two. Ah, now he remembers. "Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, innit?"
She's never been one to heed warnings of "don't ask."
He regrets that he ever actually read one of those fanfics with him and Bumblebee. Stupid movie.
He gives her a very serious look, engine rumble pitching a little lower. "Only gonna ask this once, and then there's no takin' it back. You absolutely sure you wanna know, darlin'?"
"From what I've seen, each dimension's different. Same Earth with subtle variations, yeah? Some of those variations're the existence of entities as real or fictional. The humans of my Earth - the last that I heard - thought I was a character in one of their movies. And you and your comrades were similarly considered as fiction."
And this is why humans are morons~
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