who ; YOU
where ; All over Sacrosanct. Due to the wonderful evolved ability of producing spores, Singlings who have ventured too close to the kissing plant may find themselves in romantic entanglements later on in the day, even once escaped from plant itself. Neither organics or inorganics are safe.
when ; Next week or so.
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She may also be plotting to decorate the apartment whether Toby likes it or not when she gets home, which might explain why she has two or ten sprigs of mistletoe tucked into her bags. There is no such thing as going overboard when it comes to holiday decorations.
There are so many spores involved between the two of them that she doesn't even manage to get a "hi" out when she sees May. She trots up, fully planning to just chat, and instead kisses May. Passionately.
...Merry Christmas?
Hello, Buffy, May missed you too. In the... couple hours she was out? Whatever. She's got no issues with the kissing. Or the fact that there's tongue or... yeah.
She doesn't ever ever want to stop. Wow. Who knew that May was such a good kisser?
"Merry Christmas," she murmurs kind of huskily against May's lips.
She laughs softly against Buffy's lips, and gives her another long, slow kiss before answering. "Christmas isn't for another few days," she points out. Does she mind? No, not really. Her head's spinning pleasantly, her lips tingling, and she can't quite seem to catch her breath, and she doesn't mind any of that either.
Man, she's had some random kissing side adventures today, but this... this is the one she's beyond a shadow of a doubt enjoying and doesn't want to stop. Not a single part of her.
May even tastes faintly like burnt sugar. Buffy kisses her again, deep and slow and delicious, trying to pick up every little subtlety of that taste.
The fingers of one hand tighten around Buffy's hip, while the other traces up her side lightly, over her shirt. She's not really thinking, except about how nice this is, and how she'd really like to keep doing it.
Absently, she murmurs something into Buffy's mouth, and her glamour drops in a burst of cotton candy and ashes, human face replaced by sharper fae features and pointed ears and eyes a shade of gray no human ever possessed, like San Francisco fog. It feels better doing this while she's wearing her own face, more right somehow.
It's probably a good thing Toby's out avoiding the decorating committee at the moment.
"Beautiful," Buffy murmurs absently, reaching up to lightly brush her fingertips along the point of May's ear and fuck this is wonderful and perfect and if it never stops, she will be happy.
...Really, the spores don't have much to do with this outside of getting her started with the kissing.
She takes a step forward, guiding Buffy toward the couch. There's still tinsel and wrapping paper and a couple coats piled there, but it's empty of anything breakable or pokey - except for Spike, who sees them coming, decides he doesn't want to be sat on, and prudently flees for Toby's bedroom.
Still, Buffy lets herself be backed up to the couch, and tugs May down with her as she settles on the coats and the tinsel
"Come here," she growls playfully.
"Yes ma'am. I'd salute, but I don't think I could do it without falling on you." She does twist a little so she's lying beside Buffy rather than on top of her, one leg hooked around Buffy's hip so May won't roll backwards off the couch. That done, she nuzzles Buffy's nose lightly with her own, and then kisses her again with a soft noise of simple pleasure in the back of her throat.
Well, all of this is making her ridiculously happy.
This is, of course, when Toby decides to come home. Not that Buffy notices her at first, until a very pointed sigh comes from the doorway.
"If you guys are going to mess around," Toby says wearily, "could you at least not do it on the couch? Where I sit?"
"Sorry! We were just... um. Never mind. Sorry." Awkward pause. "Buffy, d'you wanna..."
She nods a little to the door to her bedroom. If nothing else, she's going to need to go hide in there until she stops blushing.
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