[Open] Settling in...

Jan 02, 2012 14:34

Who; Wanda Lehnsherr and you!
What; Running into people while exploring Sacrosanct?
Where; Any residential zone of your choice.
When; Today!
Warning(s); Probably nothing but will be updated if something crops up ( Read more... )

wanda 'scarlet witch' lehnsherr, raimi matthews, cy

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Comments 158

cyfor January 2 2012, 22:54:41 UTC
"Our Lady of Gray," says something small and fuzzy from the vicinity of her feet. "Our Lady of the Perpetual Motion Machine. You've got the crossroads problem, don't you?"

One small, gray tabby cat with white socks and a glimmer of metal showing through the fur on her scalp: attained.


doesthemath January 2 2012, 23:03:18 UTC
Having already talked once to Camille, a talking cat isn't entirely out of the blue, but it certainly isn't commonplace yet. Wanda pauses mid-step to look down at the kitten and slowly crouches down closer to its level.

"You could say that for most everyone," she replies easily. "I can't say I've been addressed as such before, however." Perhaps that could be explained?


fuckinghubble January 2 2012, 23:25:47 UTC
This headache was something to be desired, but Raimi was used to them by now. Just like how he was used to feeling the air move around him, the sounds and sights how little molecules crawled and peeled on the surface of his skin. If he tried to explain it -- and on a few, rare occasions, he had -- he would only sound crazy.

Two slices short of a toaster, they said...

Clearly, the only logical course of action now was coffee. Because when battling the forces of cerebral agony simply by opening the blinds of his apartment, caffeine was a perfectly legitimate remedy.

Anyone could say what they wanted about Raimi wearing giant aviators over his glasses, but they were really his only ticket outside. Between that, the trench coat, and the brim of his hat shadowing his face when he walked, someone might as well ring him up on a preemptive predator list. Except that it's Raimi, who's just about as predatory as a fly.He hadn't really thought to partake in any social circumstances that day. If the past few weeks had done anything for him, it ( ... )


Zone? doesthemath January 3 2012, 00:53:34 UTC
That look was really working for him. Really. If he was trying to look like a flasher. Considering he hadn't actually done as much, however, Wanda's curiosity remained intact.

Besides, he'd walked into the coffee shop she was already standing in.

"Hello," she said, giving the trenchcoat another look over. Wanda hadn't yet picked anything out, having only arrived moments ago while looking through shops. "Is this place any good?"


Zone 06, wups! fuckinghubble January 3 2012, 01:49:37 UTC
That rascally Raimi, looking all sketch and everything.

There weren't that many who frequented Doctorow, so it almost came as a surprise when he saw that someone had already beat him to it.

Wanda, as a matter of fact.

It took a few seconds for the question to process in between the throbs of pain in his skull, but he managed: "It's alright. I'm far from calling it the best of the best, though."


/o/ doesthemath January 3 2012, 05:50:06 UTC
Surprising, she hadn't expected to hear a familiar voice, to recognize a voice after her initial communications, but apparently he had made an impression.

"I'd be curious to see what you would call the best of the best, Raimi," she replied with a slight smile. Hopefully her memory wasn't off. "Is this the zone you live in?"


R12 personalbubble January 2 2012, 23:35:19 UTC
With Christmas and New Year's done, Violet had that doomed feeling of school looming again on the horizon. At the same time, maybe being kidnapped to space in the future would excuse her from classes for a while?

That thought only served to remind her that she really was kidnapped and being held on a space station in the future. And, much as she would never claim to miss Dash, it lacked her parents and the friends that she sort of had in school.

In other words, for all its freedoms, it kind of sucked and she felt down because of it.

That meant moping! Out and about, in her Super uniform and mask, because she really didn't think it would be good to be caught without either unless she knew it was really safe to be herself.

Violet saw Wanda as she moped along, even went so far as to make eye contact, but then her social points fell below zero and her gaze snapped back to the ground with a murmured hello.


Oooh spice markets! doesthemath January 3 2012, 01:12:50 UTC
Somebody was not having a good day. Wanda peered at the dark-haired girl as she passed by, in a uniform no less. It wasn't one that she recognized but that only made her more curious.

"Hello," she replied, and then after giving the girl and her uniform more careful inspection, fell into step beside her. "Are you alright?"

It wasn't Wanda's habit to pry. She didn't really want to know about everyone's problems, but the girl was dressed like a super hero which made her wonder if perhaps she was a mutant. Even if she wasn't, the presence of the uniform suggested there might be some common ground between them.


Super uniforms = totally camo personalbubble January 8 2012, 05:58:23 UTC
Someone new, strange, and unusual walking beside her would typically be a stranger-danger moment, but Violet has been meeting a lot of new people lately that haven't been dangerous. Her guard, like her spirits, is down and she offers first a shy, sideways glance.

Then, that question that every teenage dreads and desires: Are you alright?

Violet could have shrugged it off and said things were fine, but here she was - lost in space, without a neat spaceship crew, and someone was being nice to her. The only reason she said nothing immediately could only be blamed on her shy nature cropping up.

She shrugged, then tucked some hair behind her ear - even though she'd been wearing a headband lately, every once in a while a stray hair would fall forward and require the correction.

"This place is so not-normal," she mumbled more than anything.


Oh my god Violet I just want to squish her forever doesthemath January 8 2012, 20:32:50 UTC
Having nothing but time in the world, Wanda waited patiently for Violet's reply. She had surprised the girl, after all, and it was possible she'd interrupted her thoughts. Besides which, being approached by a stranger was likely not the most settling of experiences ( ... )


R10! notafuckingkid January 3 2012, 02:06:40 UTC
Settling in had never been easy for CT, especially when it really only took one mistake, not locking door to undo every single bit of work she'd done. If nothing else, being in Project Freelancer had taught her that much; that no one could be trusted for any amount of time, however big or small. With the presence of former teammates on the station, CT knew she had to run and hide and cover her tracks as best she could. Both luckily and unluckily, the teleporters could connect her back to the Junkyard where she'd spent a large part of the last month collecting what equipment could be usable and dragging it into her apartment-cum-workshop.

So, at the moment, she's just finished unloading her newly acquired motorcycle and presses the lock into the ignition. With some small confidence, CT's in a set of relatively civie-esque clothing and has her motorcycle helmet off for once so she can possibly spot Carolina from far off. Just stay calm, stay chill, and there's always ditching her new place to run if needed.


doesthemath January 3 2012, 05:58:27 UTC
Wanda didn't find many people wandering around the station, so when she ran across them they always had her attention. She'd gotten to know several over the communications system, but as of yet, she'd only met a handful in person.

Finding CT and a motorcycle in the tenth zone definitely grabbed her attention. She hadn't yet found anyone else with a vehicle of that sort.

"Hi there," she said, giving both the other woman and her bike a once-over.


notafuckingkid January 5 2012, 11:21:24 UTC
CT glanced up at the greeting, a frown quickly covering her face. The Freelancer certainly didn't recognize Wanda and it'd been quite some time since she'd had an even slightly normal conversation with another human being. After all, she hadn't bought the bike, it'd just shown up in her living room like Santa had brought it. No reason to complain though, the vehicle had been damn useful so far and she'd checked it for trackers and other bugs several times already.

"Hi," CT replied, her tone uneasy and certainly lacking in confidence. How did normal people even do this casual talk? "...what brings you out here."


doesthemath January 5 2012, 17:41:40 UTC
"Getting familiar with the station," she said simply, coming to a stop a few feet away. "I arrived not long ago so I've been exploring the residential zones. You're the first person I happened upon in this zone...though you're the only one I've seen with a motorcycle."

Wanda didn't know how to ride a motorcycle but the presence of some sort of vehicle gave her hope there might be others.

"How did you come by it?"


Random Zone y/y? whatvr_it_takes January 3 2012, 04:31:20 UTC
Okay, so ... stealth is going to be a liiiittle more difficult like this, but Carolina's damned if she's going to sit about and mope. Lack of armor, enhancements, and the addition of these silly hooves be damned; she was going to get some recon done one way or another.

So she's attempting to stalk Wanda. As a pony. At this point, it's more practice then any perceived threat from this mystery woman. She's keeping to the shadows, trying to walk lightly but that clip clop was insane trying to muffle.


Sure! OMG pony Carolina eee doesthemath January 3 2012, 06:02:41 UTC
It took Wanda a little while to notice that the sound of steps in the street weren't just her own. She noticed after a while that they were off-set and no, they weren't an echo. It took her longer to realize this because they didn't seem like they were coming from someone bipedal, someone with regular human shoes.

Once she realized the difference, however, Wanda was immediately on her guard. With Loki running around as free as he pleased, an alternate of her father doing the same, and insane robots also on the loose, she wasn't going to be stupid.

Abruptly, she dropped down in place under the guise of tightening a strap on her boot. With the collar of her coat and her hair falling over her eyes to hide most of her face, she glanced back to see if she could get a peek at who was behind her.


:D there was possible way I could resist. None whatsoever. whatvr_it_takes January 3 2012, 06:10:21 UTC
Carolina's no fool, and she knows she doesn't have the kind of camoflaug the chameleon armor effect would give her, so she's forced to carefully maintain her cover behind solid objects, like bushes and retainer walls and the occasional bench.

The fact that she was bright blue in an otherwise fairly stark environement didn't help either.

When Wanda stops, Carolina dives behind a bush and huddles there, watching through the scant spaces between leaves.


X3!!! doesthemath January 3 2012, 06:42:46 UTC
It's too late. That bright blue and red are just too obvious for her to not catch. Besides, whoever it was, they hadn't pulled their...tail or hair or something entirely.

Wanda got to her feet, boot fixed, and continued walking. She would turn around when she felt had less places to hide.


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