who ;
cohesions &
swarmfreewhat ; can't avoid each other forever :c
where ; Normandy Haus
when ; nnnowish
warning(s) ; incredible amounts of derp???
If the confrontation with creator-Tali'Zorah had proven anything, it was that even when serving under the same commander it was difficult for a quarian to trust a geth. Since the arrival of the quarian Veetor'Nara the terminal had made an effort to avoid him, afraid of sparking off unnecessary conflict. Observation of creator-Veetor'Nara had lead all 1,183 programs within the terminal to conclude that he was a particularly high-strung individual, perhaps suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder. In his easily panicked state, confrontation was something to be avoided--creator-Veetor'Nara had access to weaponry, making him a potential danger to the terminal if frightened.
Which was why Legion had spent the last few hours running its systems checks in the relative safety of a storage closet, rather than in the corner of a main room as it had previously done.
Unfortunately, it could not go about all of its tasks from unobtrusive closets. Direct access to station terminals were required, and eventually Legion deemed it necessary to exit the Normandy base of operations. Which meant leaving the closet, moving down the hall, and exiting through the kitchen. Its timing couldn't have been worse, though, since as soon as it stepped through the doorway it registered the unmistakable silhouette of a quarian envirosuit.