who; Rinzler and Flynn
what; More talking, possibly some re-reprogramming.
where; Garden zone, park, the original meeting place between Tronzler and Flynn.
when; Directly after
this conversation (or more precisely, after Flynn's
meeting with Tron).
warning(s); Likely angst.
Flynn was smart enough, he would figure out Rinzler's simplistic clue to their designated meeting place. Still, the longer he was forced to wait the more anxious the red-circuited program grew. After his awkward actions towards CLU earlier he'd nearly fled with the explanation that he simply wanted to run off the access processes that had him acting so strangely. He knew the administrator didn't "buy it" but the awkwardness between them was enough to allow Rinzler to get away with the request to leave and perform fake scouting missions.
In reality he'd spent little time running or scouting and most of the millicycle replying to the curious networkers that bothered with his accidental video feed. It had only made matters worse as far as he was concerned, and in his distress he asked for a meeting with Flynn. But now he was stuck waiting for the User and he had no idea when CLU might recall him or ping him with an update. He began pacing in his anxious state, growling at the nearby trees and scrubs for the simple fact that he could.