who ; Abby, Stephen, & Connor.
what ; KITE-HIGH and CHASING DODOS. Or something.
where ; Kurzweil barracks.
when ; 14th Saturday, TRIPPIN' BALLS EVENT.
warning(s) ; TBA?
POSTING ORDER IS ; Abby, then Stephen, then Connor. Alphabetically only not really sort of?
[ Dodos. There are dodos everywhere. Some of them are… colors. Oh god, dodos. Rainbow dodos. Wat the ever-loving fuck do here?
This really wasn't what he had in mind when he woke up this morning. It's a nightmare. Probably.
So Connor's huddled in the corner of his bunk bed, arms wrapped tightly around his knees. Maybe if he hides expertly enough, the dodos will leave and he'll stop seeing colors. Maybe. Listen, he's not a fan, okay? He's been scarred forever and they're fucking scary right now -- oh god, one's got fangs -- and that one's beak is looking more like a snout every second. Nononono, okay. Connor, man the hell up. Be the hero. You can deal with thi --
-- NO HE CAN'T, THEY ARE TERRIFYING. He'll just pull up his hood and burrow into his arms. Don't think about Tom. Do not think about Tom. ]
This is bad. This is really bad. This is… this is bad. Guys? This is bad.
… Guys?
[ please make the dodos go away please make the dodos go away please make the dodos go away please ]