FANDOM: Pokemon Black/White
CANON: Immediately Post Game
WHAT THEY LOST: N will lose his ability to understand the speech of Pokemon. As someone who was isolated from human contact, the company of Pokemon is extremely important to him. He is more comfortable with Pokemon than other humans; they are his friends and confidants. To lose his ability to speak with them will cut N off from his closest friends.
He will still be very in tune with Pokemon, but he will not be able to carry on a conversation. Essentially, he will be regulated to a Pokemon whisperer instead of someone who can ask them what their favorite color is.
N is a boy who grew up in a very narrow world. As a child he was isolated from humans and only allowed the company of Pokemon who had been abused and mistreated by their trainers. Thus he grew up to think that all trainers were using their Pokemon as tools, and that beyond the few human beings he was occasionally allowed to see, that the human race was by nature abusive and cruel.
It was not until he was sixteen that he was really let out into the world, and by that time his convictions were set in stone. He had been groomed to become the King of Team Plasma, continually fed the rhetoric that his experiences proved: trainers were dangerous, and needed to be separated from Pokemon. He went off on a Pokemon journey to become the Champion, thinking that by doing so he could order all trainers to release his Pokemon. He was encouraged in this by the Seven Sages of Team Plasma, especially their leader, Ghetsis.
On his journey, however, things began to change. He saw the realities of Pokemon battles, but along with them he discovered Pokemon who were happy with their humans. He met many new people with many new ideas he had never experienced. It was hard to believe what he was seeing and hearing, because it conflicted so much with everything he had learned in his childhood.
He started out with the confidence of someone with absolute faith, but then doubt began to creep in, revealing bit by bit a boy who really did not know what he was doing. He came up with a plan, prodded forward by Ghetsis, to make certain he was right, to test his faith: he would become friends with the legendary Pokemon. What Ghetsis did not expect is that he took it a step farther, encouraging a trainer he had met several times to befriend the other dragon, and to face him in battle. His entire truth rested upon whether he won the battle or not.
When he did befriend Reshiram, his confidence was on the rise, but the doubt would not go away. He was beginning to realize how wrong his world view was, but he desperately clung to his ideals, afraid of what would happen if he admitted he was wrong and stopped pursuing the goal that had been set out for him. He was forced to face it when he and Reshiram lost to Zekrom and its new trainer.
N was shocked, his faith disappearing. Initially he saw it in an almost optimistic way, thinking that perhaps both he and the trainer were right in their own ways. It was almost a relief. His self-confidence, however, took another blow when Ghetsis, who was revealed to be his father, appeared and berated him for his failure, tearing him down. Ghetsis too lost to the trainer and was taken away, leaving behind the confused boy who had no idea where to go from here.
He made a decision, the only one he could think of: to leave Unova with Reshiram and find a new way of life. He was no longer a king, nor did he consider himself a hero. He knew he was leaving behind a better Champion than himself.
Now he is trying to make his way in the world with only himself and his Pokemon. He tries to be optimistic, but in reality he is struggling. He does not have much experience interacting with people, and often misses social cues. Things like jokes and flirting take him a while to get, if he gets them at all. Related to this is the fact that he unknowingly gives off the wrong cues on a regular basis. This includes things like standing too close to a person when he is talking to them, saying what he thinks even if it is not strictly polite, etcetera.
He also struggles with a two-fold guilt: one being that he has hurt so many people in pursuit of his ideal, which turned out to be a sham, and the other for failing at succeeding in the first place. This contributes to his confidence problems, which especially comes out around other people.
Despite all that, he is a very curious person, which is what drives him to continue trying to talk to other people, even if he fails or makings things awkward. He is also very compassionate, especially when it comes to Pokemon or animals. While before he was willing to override his compassionate nature in search of an ideal, now it is one of the few things that guides him. He can get to feeling very lost now that he does not have someone constantly telling him what he should do and believe.
Reshiram's fur was soft beneath N's hands, soothing even as they began to ache from clinging too hard. He had picked a direction at random, barely paying attention to the roads and towns below as they flew, though no doubt many eyes had turned upwards at their passing. He had only one goal: to flee Unova. Maybe there was somewhere else he could go, somewhere no one would know his name, know all the mistakes he made. Somewhere Ghetsis was not, nor any of Team Plasma. Nor any of their victims.
What he was going to do wherever he ended up, he did not know. Did it really matter? He had Reshiram, and the Poke balls he carried with him carried more of his friends. As long as he had them, he would be all right. He had barely seen Ghetsis, or even Anthea and Concordia, for long periods of time while growing up. Why would he need them now?
It is not long until he is laying along Reshiram's back, arms wrapped as far around him as he can get, hugging him tightly even as they flew through the air. Part of him wanted to tell Reshiram to go back, to find the Champion he had left behind, to find Zekrom, beg them to let him stay with them. To give him some direction, friendship, advice, a hug. Anything.
No. He had to keep going. He was a hero still, wasn't he? Maybe not. Maybe he was a sham of one, just like his ideals had been. But he would try. He would deal with this. For his friends. For himself.
He sat back up, looking forward into the distance. A new journey awaited.
AGE: Over 18.
skaldadottirAIM: PM for it. :)