On messaging bots

Sep 02, 2008 23:55

After completing my previous poems, I was accosted by a "trout" bot, which some of you may be familiar with. There are also "salmon" "hat" and "taco" bots, but I was not put in contact with any of those. Regardless, as the conversation hit two of the four required pieces for a poem, I wrote another:

Shawn Norton, Lab Rat

have been salmoned.

A chat window,
asking me: “What would it take
to bring the world
back from the brink of
a zombie invasion?”

and I’m the one on drugs?

Sir or ma’am I am merely on breadsticks
so hard you could drum,
you are the one

prattling on

at 11:30

about zombies.

and for context, the original conversation in its entirety:

[23:36] PreciousTrout: What would it take to bring the world back from the brink of a zombie invasion?
 [23:38] lotusKIN: Ummm... who are you?
 [23:38] lotusKIN: I feel like I should know
 [23:38] lotusKIN: But I don't.
 [23:38] PreciousTrout: you're on drugs
 [23:38] lotusKIN: So sorry if you're offended by that

writing, the internet is for..., poetry, zombie

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