(no subject)

Nov 01, 2008 20:08

Myself and the Master would like to thank everyone who nominated him and I in the arpea_awards. This is seriously one of the best ways to come home from a vacation. I love everyone and thank you so so so much. *HUGS WHOEVER WANTS THEM?*


Mister Congeniality (also known as 'Male Sandra Bullock')
Most Likely To Go Insane
Most Likely To Take Over The World
Most Likely To Become President
Most Likely To Seduce Everyone
Biggest Male Flirt
Biggest Badass
Biggest Snarkmaster
Biggest Jerk/Bitch


Choice Villain
Choice Female NPC (Bali, who exists in realityshifted verse.)
Cutest Couple (with savagestime)
Funniest Couple (twice: once with savagestime, once with theguv)
Sexually Hottest Couple (with savagestime)
Most Squishable Couple (with theguv)
Most Unlikely Couple (with theguv)
Most Should-Get-Together-Already Couple (with theguv)
Choice Non-Canon Couple (with broken_clock)
Choice Crossover Couple (twice: once with onedrous, once with theguv)
Choice Male/Male Couple (thrice: once with savagestime, once with theguv, once with toiletpoet ...who in the world is toiletpoet? Maybe I have sudden amnesia...)
Best Enemies (with theguv)
Best Friends (thrice: once with onedrous, once with not_from_mars, once with savagestime)
Best Working Relationship (with sofaultless)


(With my OOC journal derogative on these)

Most Likely To Answer Every Single Prompt
Most Likely To Go On Hiatus But Never Leave
Most Valuable Player
Choice Drama/Action Writer
Choice Smut Writer
Choice Slash Writer
Choice Romance Writer
Choice Overall Writer Of The Year

THANKS once again! But now to recommend! I've seen a ton of amazing writers on there, and I love them all. I shall feel free to list them. rude_not_ginger, sofaultless, theguv/shatteredqueen/brigadiertardis, onedrous, savagestime/didorothy, salvagestime/notquiteawidow/seventhcoil, cyfor, contract_star, dameluckypants/flashknickers, ambitious_woman, chansondelamort, not_from_mars, handysparehand, perfect_shoes, broken_clock/thecricketer/miseardae and a bunch of other people, but my brain fried out and I could not type any longer!

awards: arpeas 2008, ooc

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