Tultiin muutama tunti sitten kotiin. En kykene fiksuun vastaamiseen just nyt (en edes suomeksi) mutta ilmoitan että huomasin tän, vastaan myöhemmin enemmän, annoit mulle melki sydänkohtauksen ku pikakelasin reipas 200 lj-entryä lävitse ja yhdessä lukee MOI KAIKKI ELI JOHANNA, mä menetin talviturkkini, veljes on pelottavan aikuinen ja tuota... omfglolwtf sulla on muitakin kavereita eljeissä ku mää, pitäiskö mun alkaa mustasukkaiseksi. XD Moimeennukkuunmoi. 8D
Jos se ei oo Ruusa niin olin varmaan äsken tosi pelottava jos se ikinä osuu lukemaan. Jos se taas oli Ruusa niin tuota... moi. 8D;; Jos se on mun ikivihollinen niin pilasin tunnekuohuissani sen anonyymiyden. Nojaa. Köhköh meen oikeesti nyt nukkuun, piti vaan stalkata ensin.
NONIIN. Mä nukuin ja tulin tänne spämmään sua paremmin. Suomeksi. Sanotaan vaikka että puoli viikkoa pohjoisessa saa englannintaidon karkaamaan jonnekin. Mulla meni äsken 20 minuuttia ku kirjotin muutaman lauseen pitusta kommenttii englanniks. Feilaan. XD
Muowhoahaskjdgks, se Crash Bandicoot mikälie autopeli, se CTR, on ainoo missä mää voitan sut. (Nojoo, en oo kokeillu Haloo just sen takia et häviäisin. 8D) En oo kyllä pelannu sitä pitkään aikaan. Enkä Bullyy. D:
Mennään ostamaan sulle Ruotsista/Itiksestä uus ämpäri, y/y? <3
In Juhannus everyone stay up late and usually get themselves drunk xD Ahaha, nyt ulkomaalaset aattelee meistä taas kaikkee. 8DD
There is me!! :D ...Now that I decided to go and stalk everybody's journals who were at the meet that I already haven't stalked. XDD And yes, I could talk finnish but I fail at finnish much more than what I do in english. XDD I bet you don't know which one of those I was but I can give you a hint. The one who pretty much failed most of the time. Even though there were many of those. XDD
"Who had problems with eating ice cream" ...Yes, you put it very nicely too. XDD
Well I can speak finnish too if that's easier for you. :D I'm just used to speaking english even with finns so far. ^^;
But next time I really want to play Aiba's sugoroku and Ailand's games too. >3< I mean what's more fun than having a stocking on your head, balloon boobs and being the bottom of a human hamburger. :'D ♥
I AGREE!!! xDD Also I wouldn't mind playing air-guitar or doing otaku dance while Maiding story playing in the background! xD Arashi's has the best ideas for spending time<3 :D
Comments 22
Muowhoahaskjdgks, se Crash Bandicoot mikälie autopeli, se CTR, on ainoo missä mää voitan sut. (Nojoo, en oo kokeillu Haloo just sen takia et häviäisin. 8D) En oo kyllä pelannu sitä pitkään aikaan. Enkä Bullyy. D:
Mennään ostamaan sulle Ruotsista/Itiksestä uus ämpäri, y/y? <3
In Juhannus everyone stay up late and usually get themselves drunk xD
Ahaha, nyt ulkomaalaset aattelee meistä taas kaikkee. 8DD
...Now that I decided to go and stalk everybody's journals who were at the meet that I already haven't stalked. XDD
And yes, I could talk finnish but I fail at finnish much more than what I do in english. XDD
I bet you don't know which one of those I was but I can give you a hint. The one who pretty much failed most of the time.
Even though there were many of those. XDD
Were you that one who had problems with eating ice cream? xD
Anyway, it's was so much fun!!! All Arashi fans were so nice<3 It would be fun to do it again some day :D
...Yes, you put it very nicely too. XDD
Well I can speak finnish too if that's easier for you. :D
I'm just used to speaking english even with finns so far. ^^;
But next time I really want to play Aiba's sugoroku and Ailand's games too. >3< I mean what's more fun than having a stocking on your head, balloon boobs and being the bottom of a human hamburger. :'D ♥
I AGREE!!! xDD Also I wouldn't mind playing air-guitar or doing otaku dance while Maiding story playing in the background! xD Arashi's has the best ideas for spending time<3 :D
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