Title: Optimal Scenario
Warnings: Contains not-particularly graphic shonen ai, mild language, and violence.
Summary: FFVII, Vincent/Cloud. Shelke decides to play matchmaker. This mostly seems to involve tormenting Cloud.
Author's Note: Thanks to
pennies_4_eyes ages and ages and ages ago, I was inspired to do some Vincent/Cloud fic, since this was probably my
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Comments 23
I don't ship Cloud/Vincent, but then I didn't ship Cloud/Genesis once upon a time, either ;) Though if it's anyone who needs some crack fluffy romance times to cheer up the eternal angstfest that is their lives, it's Cloud and Vincent ;)
I doubt this fic will convert you but I hope you enjoy it regardless!
I don't actively ship these two, but I can certainly see the appeal. And now, so can Shelke. XD
Oh nice, you're watching it! Plot jumps allll over the place, it makes sense eventually but you do kind of have to think about it. Has a bit of the old Fridge brilliance to it.
(Oh god my brain hurts trying to even make that work, you cruel cruel people XD)
Well, as long as it makes me think instead of me staring dumbly at my screen, the series will have my interest ;D Are you watching anything else atm? I wanna drag you into a few other series as well!
(I shoulda specified calling that someone will be brave enough to prompt that C: Man, your multi-verse is growing bigger with each passing year!)
Ahaha probably! Giftfics have been getting dangerously meta lately.
Ahh, this is a really interesting start - the authors note + summary sounds epic. XD
I love how Shelke's come to her conclusion for matchmaking. Completely logical choice! :D
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