Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: Rather talky chapter, this one. Hopefully it does not bore. And as always, this is un-beta'd, so if you find any typos or mistakes please feel free to point them out so they can be fixed!
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Comments 13
'Sephiroth controlled you', a traitorous voice whispered in the back of his mind. 'You nearly killed Aeris, and then stood by and did nothing while she died. You handed over the Black Materia.'ajsgdjkas traitorous voice is just that-- traitorous. The way Vincent put it, I kinda thought that Cloud would be convinced, but I guess Cloud really wants to make sure that the Nibelhim Incident wouldn't happen ( ... )
What a deliciously long comment you have left. But how easy it would be if Cloud would change his mind just because of a few things Vincent said!
Heh, 'going to kill' - but then also 'in the line of duty' - where that duty is destroying the planet. XD This kind of thing is probably half of what makes me love the time travel genre so much.
Heh, guess it's a recurring theme in Final Fantasies! 'Treasure Princess' was actually directly taken from Crisis Core - you get 'missions' from Yuffie titled as such (and a number of other things). But of course, since she didn't meet Zack, she's sending spam to Cloud instead. :D
Love how leery of each other Cloud and Vincent are. And the obsevation about Vincent's obsessivness(sp?). And - Cloud, you sneak! What a surefire way to get rid of Vincent, dangle that temptation in front of him and he'll agree to anything.
Then the ShinRa. Interesting. I was, again, genuinely surprised, this time by Tseng's proposal. So Cloud'll actually have a chance to be Soldier? (I like Tseng, he's interesting.)
Good spin on Genesis/Seph/Angeal's interaction now that they're in public. It's totally changed, still the familiaríty, but of the "I know they've got my back" kind. Nice! And still with the Loveless!
Ah, Yuffie certainly is precocious. What did you say she was? Eight?
Cloud, master Vincent-baiter. XD
Indeed, Yuffie is eight, and tearing up the countryside all the same. :D The great thing is, that's not even breaking canon.
Mh, yeah, Yuffie's good like that. And she was still plenty young in canon.
Nooo...no death warrent for Cloud. T_T Then he'll be just like Zack, getting hunted down by all of ShinRa. OMG, you aren't going to kill him at the end of this story are you? T_T
I just love how everyone of Genesis' moods are compared to something happening w/ 'Loveless'. lol
And Vincent. GAH Please convince Cloud to not kill Sephiroth. He has to live so that Genesis won't hate Cloud and those two can make babies together. <3 Why are you making me want Genesis/Cloud. DAMN YOU SIN!
Can't wait until the next update!
Every single scene with Genesis has to have at least one reference to Loveless. It must. It's canon.
If it's any consolation, I myself am dismayed at having developed a fascination with yet another comparatively obscure ship, so you're not alone! :D
Genesis being pleased about Cloud getting scouted for recruitment is so great! He's positively tickled pink that his plan is going so smoothly. ♥ Then he and his true love can reunite as allies and not foes!! Sephiroth's got competition.
By Vincent standards, that was being positively clingy ( ... )
Have you been converted to the Genesis/Cloud ship too? XD
I do wonder what kind of mail an adult Cloud would exchange with such a young Yuffie. I'm picturing something along the lines of 'Why don't you give me all your materia, you can't possibly need all of it', 'No', 'Pleeeeease?',
'No, stop messaging me', '*takes anyway*'. XD
(you're welcome, thanks for the lovely comment!)
Gen/Cloud would be so FUN, but Seph/Cloud is still my OTP :O
And oh, you're a horrible person. First I'm shipping Gabranth/Vaan because of justira, and now I'm getting converted to Gen/Cloud. )8 What is this folly.
Also, aww, Vincent, you obsessive weirdo you ♥ And for some reason, I'm drawing parallels with Twilight here, except Hojo's clearly Edward and Vincent's Jacob.
Wow, Hojo as Edward? o__O Now there's a mental image that's going to bother me for ages....
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