Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: Neighbours thought it would be awesome to start partying at 4:30 in the morning and still haven't stopped. So this chapter may contain more mistakes than normal. Please point out any that you see
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Comments 17
Don't have too much I want to touch upon this chapter, hrm. :Va Though I adore the hell out of the last line. Because if Rufus was aware of what's going on in this timeline, he would be laughing his ass off. XD
Unfortunately, a lot of your story also seems to depend on Cloud being an idiot. I mean, it's fine in that way that a person can justify Cloud's stupidity, but it still leaves a bleh taste in my mouth.
That said, I'm curious if maybe Cloud could have asked Tseng to keep him updated on Hojo and Hollanders whereabouts? Tseng is basically saying that Cloud can ask for anything, and since Cloud made a point of displaying his distaste for science, perhaps he could parlay that to his advantage somehow.
It's a valid enough suggestion, but I am always wary of making Cloud (or Vincent, for that matter) into a Gary Stu. He's already armed with foreknowledge and strength enough to defeat Sephiroth - if he were emotionally rock-solid and had a genius-level flare for planning as well... I don't think I could write that in a way that made him still feel in character and keep the stakes as high. Maybe some authors could, but it's not how I chose to write this one.
To pull of something like that in any believable form would require a different approach than normal "what ifs" and time travel fics, and the result would be very, very different from something like The Fifth Act, for example.
In fact, someone did a somewhat short, interesting story along those lines, with Vincent, of all people:
I give the author kudos for at least doing things I would never have even expected and both solving problems I didn't think of while not managing to solve everything.
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