Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: This chapter is mostly conversation. Next chapter, however, should be getting back to some of the good stuff. >:D
Previous Chapter (
Chapter 19 )
Comments 26
Hahaha, Cloud sounds like such a kid when he says that. ♥ Seph just has no luck with conversation. Really, 'puppet'? *shakes head* XP
“…I was used, once. And that person would say things like that, and…”
Oh Cloud. ;___; I'm glad he's brooding about his past, but not going into emo-states of being. And I'm glad Zack's there for some therapy, before Cloud falls into his epic angsting state. ♥ Zack needs to unwittingly exploit his future-BFF-status more often, haha.
It's so cute how Cloud always knows where Sephiroth is, but Sephiroth can never find Cloud. "That's what the last five people said". Awww, and that Seph wants to apologize? That's so sweet, but I'm sure he'd find a way to screw that up, too. XD;;
And as Zack often demonstrated, sometimes it was easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Glad to see Zack rubbing off on others! I wonder how Angeal and Genesis are going to rope Cloud into fighting Sephiroth...Next chapter is going to be so much fun.
(idk, my BFF Zack?)
...sorry, the real reason I posted this was because I completely misread the last two lines in your first comment... "I wonder how Angeal and Genesis are going to rape Cloud into fighting Sephiroth..."
"...how Angeal and Genesis are going to rope Cloud into fighting Sephiroth..."
I had to read that like four times, I won't lie.
Hahaha, Freudian slip whilst reading? Those are always so amusing.
Especially when you get Cloud to say thing like this “He started it.” And everybody else is like o0, what did Seph do, what did he say? Not knowing that that is one of the worst buttons to press, ever.
...this chapter was just made of win! (Well, the last one was too, 's just I have the Exams of Doom coming up...noooooo!)
It would be wrong to say Strife had adapted to life at ShinRa - it was more that ShinRa had adapted to him. I laughed at that. I can see it - as you wrote later Cloud would totally ignore everything not with in his very narrow focus. But those within that focus - well, Cloud can be intense.
Like how he always knows exactly where Seph is. Even if it just is to avoid him. And Seph being so snarly about that he succeeds in that.
Ouu! A duel! Now that sounds in-te-res-ting! And - you are corrupting Angeal, I'm sure of it! Or maybe that's Zack? He's getting to be a right sneak.
Indeed, Zack is a terribly corrupting influence. I mean, look, he even managed to get Cloud acting like him for months and months! Okay, bad taste, I know. :P
Good luck on exams!
I just love the little radar thing Cloud has for Sephiroth and how it's applied here. Even if he's not fully aware of it, he puts the skill to good use. x3
And Angeal is picking up a mischievous streak from his student, methinks~ ^^
‘ready to level the building with Comet at the first loud noise’
...Zack knows Cloud better than he thinks. And is more observant in general than one would think (him noticing the new recruits not being as top form, knowing that people with tons of power (materia) shouldn't be on edge...
“…I was used, once. And that person would say things like that, and…”
...D: There are so many ways that statement could be misinterpreted. And still the truth is so :(
Gosh, such a heart-wrenching sentence for all its brevity, and horrifying for its implications. It's a real testament to how shook-up Cloud must've been feeling (and how lonesome for companionship) at the time to even say such a thing.
Though, it's also good that Kunsel was there to curb Zack's curiosity a bit, because otherwise I think he might have repeated that to Angeal to try and work out the mystery.
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