
Jun 04, 2004 02:24

Just saw Harry Potter; must sleep; full recap tomorrow, for anyone who leans in a Hogwarts-ly direction. But rest assured... is the gayest movie that ever gayed. And then some. Now, I have to admit that I was still under the impression that Remus Lupin had spent twelve years learning Romanian , but apparently he has supported himself as a world champion samba dancer. The Weasley twins are either stoners or meth addicts- impossible to tell which. Sirius Black has fabulous prison ink and the Marauder's Map looks more complicated to fold than a backwards Rand McNally. Everyone is having sex with everyone else. Lots and lots of sex.

I mean, I'm a pretty hard-core slasher, everyone's always having sex with everyone else, yadda yadda, but this time? I swear to you they really are. Everyone. With everyone else.

Oh, and. "Nice dead ferret!"
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