When at times, it seems I have lost my direction in life, I find it most comforting to return to where my origin's lay. To return to the begining, the source of what really makes me whole. Ah Yevon... I find myself complete when I look upon your teachings.
The Atonement of SIN
And SIN said,
At the time of great grief, cleanse the world with my rage and darkness.
Let My despair wash over the bright gales of Yevon.
Gather forth the Merciful Maiden, the Pilar of Strength and the Blood of the Sinners.
These are needed to prepare for the final Ritual of the Atonement.
And SIN said,
Offer the Blood of the Sinners and the Merciful Maiden unto Me.
Be then release from the bonds of the matieral realm, and gain the Power of SIN.
From the depths of the Realm of Darknes, you will be given the power to bring dispair to thine enemies.
You in turn will be the Giver of My Word and Wisdom.
And SIN said,
Return to the source of thy Grief and destroy it.
Under My watchful eye, You will be the sole survivor and wander the Realm of Chaos unharmed.
Only when you cast out the source of Grief will you attain true atonement.
The Final Assention:
And SIN said,
Separate from your Flesh and become one with Me, You shall be the Father Reborn to this Earth
Who is the Receiver of My Word and Wisdom.
If this be done, by the Ritual of Atonement, the Mother shall be reborn
and the Race of SIN shall be redeemed.