Title: Chousa (Inquiry)
Summary: Scarlett's used to impertinent questions, but some of them take the cake... (SE/Scarlett)
Fandom: G. I. Joe
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Yeah, not mine, but I'd keep them if I could?
Notes: This was going to be a drabble. It really, really was. But I don't think most drabbles break a thousand words...
Chousa (Inquiry) )
Comments 5
::purrs:: I like me my ninja boys
and I can't understand why people ignore the fact that this is canon? Seriously. I mean, ::points at the issue where Snake-eyes gets scarred saving Scarlett:: that alone should indicate the pairing. Let alone the fact that they got engaged, what, twice?
And yes, Snake and Scarlett are all cute and couple-y in the comic... so I'm really not sure why they decided on the Duke/Scarlett pairing for the TV show, you know? I get the feeling that's the world that most people are familiar with, hence the prevalence of D/S. Or at least I hope so, because what else could it be? -shakes head sadly-
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