- 10:32 Halloween morning time-passer: Wondering which people are dressed up and which just are wearing too much makeup. #
- 17:12 I believe that I'm going to simply add steampunk to my evening. :) #
- 21:03 I haz company. At the Judge & Jury to see Lugosi's Morphine (and Murder-something-or-other). Mike & Lee should be here later. #
- 22:22 @ otherdoc Ragnaroc #
- 23:15 Realizing that I know a bunch more people that go to Lugosi's shows than I thought. I see guys from Bad Habit Club & The Mess. #
- 23:40 Yay! horror punk! Lugosi's Morphine is really tight tonight. I like it Spooky. :) #
- 00:04 Chick here looks like a young @PauletteJaxton - I keep doing double takes. #
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