stolen from spooky9

Feb 09, 2004 10:11

All about me quizz type thing :)

[ x ] Spell your first name backwards - idnarb

[ x ] The story behind your lj user name - Sin is  stressful thing when you think about it especialy if your trying to lead a somehwat normal seeming life
[ x ] Where do you live? - Toledo Ohio

[ x ] 4 words that sum you up - Honest, Strong, Loving, Bitch

[ x ] Wallet - I have a social distortion and a cradle of filth on chains

[ x ] Hairbrush - Its kinda black well all 4 of them then i have a silver round brush for bad hair days

[ x ] Toothbrush - red

[ x ] Jewelry worn daily - I change it alot

[ x ] Pillow cover - Depends on the sheet set ..right now its royal blue, then one that matches my bed spread  and a maroon fleece one
[ x ] Blanket - which one, I have lots!

[ x ] Coffee/Tea - coffee if i need speed if i dont then i prefer tea yummmm

[ x ] Sunglasses - Black gucci shades left in a dressing room at work that i pushed anita over for one day :) she came back but well i got the glasses ...foul of me i know
[ x ] Underwear - depends

[ x ] CD in stereo right now - Sarah Mclachlin
[ x ] Tattoos - lots
[ x ] Piercings - a few
[ x ] What you are wearing now - black around-the-house-not-in-public dress
[ x ] Hair - Black orchid long fron wispys and shorter in the back with straight bangs
[ x ] Makeup - Black eyeliner, red lips

[ x ] In my mouth - Probably nasty morning breath germs

[ x ] In my head- The rat race begins
[ x ] Wishing - I was able to do what i know i could
[ x ] After this - I'm going sit online for a few more mins and then take a shower

[ x ] Talking to -eric (well before he left for like a second while i was awake)

[ x ] Eating - Thanks for reminding me i'm hungry! I'll have some warm oatmeal its kinda cold in here....

[ x ] Fetishes - Lots of them

[ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who would it be and for what reason?  Now here we go I have to inciminate myself so if he should come up dead eveyone will think its me and not some other smart girl...My most hated ex boyfriend of course!

[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now? Sutton (my favorite ex and long time friend)

[ x ] Is next to you - a paper weight, necklace, moonstone bracelet, The bad girls rage a day calender, cat nip

[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - Empire records, hackers, Kevin smith stuff, johnny depp movies,  Real women have curves, Frida ....and many many more
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - Saturday since we have a vamp game comming up

[ x ] The last thing you ate - choco cheescake godiva ice cream (last night)

[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - my parents death

[ x ] Do you like candles? - Who doesnt?

[ x ] Do you like hot wax? - yes

[ x ] Do you like incense? - yes

[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood? - no

[ x ] Do you believe in love? - yes

[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates? - yes

[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight? - i have to my husband felt that way , however i am a synical man hater and he had a way to go with me but after the first date thats all it took

[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven? - no

[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness? - I try

[ x ] Do you believe in God? - yes

[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die? - Cremation I dont think that i should take up room when i am dead anymore i had my time to take up space

[ x ] Who is your worst enemy? - well i guess it would be my ex
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? - A sugar glider

[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up? - 2 days

[ x ] Ever been to Belgium? - no

[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks? - yes

[ x ] What's your favorite coin? - Silver dollars

[ x ] What are some of your favorite candy? - Sour patch kids and choco stuffs

[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand? - I appreciate honesty more than anything!

[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better? - why people think that telling someone what they want to hear is better than the truth

[ x ] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow? - argggg getting laundry done blegh!

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