Episode like woah. O_O
Okay, I just don't even know where to begin. I mean, from last episode's CRACK to this, it's like the anime equivalent of culture shock. Just... dfsla;jfks
New OP. Potential that Schneizel is the ulimate bad guy of this series? That possibility had definitely gone up some, although he has yet to trump Lulu-papa or VV. However, at the same time, he may side with Zero and gang up on Lulu-papa and VV. The way I see things, it could go either way. Or, it might just be a big three-ring circus with Lulu, Schneizel, and Lulu-papa/VV.
Abiding by the law that all Geass OP's are spoilerific, then as some point Anya will side with Lelouch. Or a pro-Zero person gets their hands on Mordred. [03:11 of Eclipse sub] I'm willing to believe Anya joins Zero since I have the feeling she'll eventually discover he's Lelouch (aka prince) and since she seems to have a certain interest in him... ogh, iunno. Lancelot and Guren together? Either Kallen switched sides, someone else is piloting Guren, or Suzaku switched sides. Just to spite Britannia, I sorely hope it's the latter and considering Kallen's devotion to Lulu, I have a hard time picturing her as a defector. But alack, this is Sunrise and you can never tell what will happen next.
As most of my reactions are towards characters, and not events, this'll be written on a character-by-character basis because even though I watched the episode yesterday and it's had to sink in, my mind's still all over the place. o__O
Obviously first: Shirley. I never thought she would be the main topic of any Geass post I would write, but hey, that just goes to show you.
Because of this episode, I find incredibly hard to be indifferent to her (surprise, surprise) and I'm currently leaning heavily toward LuluShirley. From them I'm getting the 'if the world had been a different place, we would have been in love' vibe from them. Where things stand, the pairing rings more true than a Kallen or CC. ship -and yes, I am taking the KallenLulu moments in previous episodes as well as to the two CC. kisses into account, but they're just not beating Shirley.
Throughout most the entire series, I just thought of Shirley feelings as a simple infatuation. Y'know, a cute school-girl crush. Crap was I wrong. I'll admit I'm a romantic sap, so Shirley's final words to Lelouch did win me over. It was truly admirable how even knowing that he killed her father, she still loved him and wanted to help protect him. And when she said how every time her memories were changed, she just fell in love with him again and again, that was really cruel. She has more emotional fortitude than I gave her credit for. I feel really bad for Lelouch as well, because of how much he wanted to protect her but she still died in the end. And Lulu trying to geass her to live? ;_; Her dying question to know if it was alright to fall in love with him again when she was reborn, that was painful too; the music didn't help either. It always sucks when someone is 'you don't know what you have until it's gone.' (Why did I find Shirley's readiness to grab a gun awesome?)
I surprise myself that I hadn't seen Shirley's death coming, even though I really should have. Okay, so maybe I guessed something would happen when Lulu thought she would be safest with Suzaku but, yeah, still. Unexpected as it was, I can understand why it happened. First she was one of the more innocent characters of the series and she got too close to the truth. Her death, particularly her confession, will give Lelouch further incentive to fight as Zero. Third, and this is more an impression, I think the show might veer away from the Ashford plot and to do that, all loose ends have to be tied. We have Nina with Schneizel, Millay graduated, Kallen with the Black Knights, Suzaku a Rounds, Rolo with Lulu, Rivalz... eh, and Gino and Anya, they'll eventually have to return to the military life. Following that vein, it makes sense that Shirley would die -not so much that she should, but that she did.
Now about Rolo... honestly, it doesn't really bother me that he was the one to kill Shirley. First there's karma, and we all know she's a bitch. As well, Lulu plans to dispose of him anyway to there's little point fuming over something that's already going to be taken care of. My main point of interest is when Lulu finds out that it was Rolo who pulled the trigger. That's going to be EPIC. And I find that Rolo shot Shirley because she mentioned Nunnally kind of amusing actually. I just have one question though: Code Geass still airs during the early evening right? Not late night? Because that was a lot of blood.
Okay... um, so Jeremiah has joined the Black Knights fold for reasons I had not anticipated. So know Lelouch has a Geass Canceller on his side, and the man who possesses had sworn undying loyalty to him. When Jeremiah said "Yes, Your Majesty." I GRINNED. Just because I love moments when people demonstrate their desire to follow Lulu's cause (think back to ep. 01 with Zero-sama). Oh yes, and now that Orange-kun is a good guy, is this cue for me to say how bishie-like he is?
Also, in light of Jeremiah's actions... why do I have the funny feeling that Zero could proclaim "I seek to avenge the late Empress Marianne's death" and he would have half of Britannia eating out of the palm of his hand? Honestly, I could see that working. It could probably be his biggest rallying point. And if that's the case, Cornelia would eventually side with him. Of course, Lulu would have to be willing to divulge some information regarding the circumstances of Euphemia's death. Still, I don't think it's such a long shot because it's becoming apparent that Cornelia is getting tired of her father and her hunt for the truth. (Not to mention it looks like she's imprisoned somewhere in the ep. 14 preview.) Also, if she does join the Lulu-side, we all know that wherever Cornelia goes, Guilford and his posse follow shortly after. So if this ever does happen, Lulu just bagged himself several military geniuses. (And power struggles between him and his sister are bound to be amusing.)
And since I'm on the topic of switching sides: Suzaku. The show feels like it's taking the direction where the most important and powerful Britannian figures will fight alongside Zero so I think Suzaku doing likewise is possible. Like Cornelia, Lulu would probably have to tell him about Euphie. But unlike Cornelia who is already mistrusting, I think Suzaku would have to discover a horrible secret about the royalty before even considering joining Lulu. You know, realize that Britannia is too twisted to be fixed from within, he's stubborn that way. Also, his talk with Shirley might convince him to reconsider too since the words of the dearly departed always have that affect on people. My last point is if the ED is spoilerific too, then Suzaku converting to the Zero-side is inevitable.
ED: pretty images and cannot wait til a download is released. :)