nose manuel, fs diaster, fs tailstall, fs 5-0stall, fs smithstall, bs 50-50stall, bs feeblestall, fakie kickflip on bank, fs/bs kickflips on the bank, kickflip to fakie. watch out bitches. the asian assain is back
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since lj is gay im only gonna use it to say what new tricks i relearned at the park. bs lipslide....stuck that shit first try. fs nosegrind to fakie, fs flip on hip almost landed. and the piece de la resisitance was the bs tail i stuck about 25 times on the tall bench but just couldnt seem to roll away. oh, and i almost have fs nosegrinds on
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im kinda over the whole livejournal thing, so i dont really post anymore unless something significant has happened. no, im not talking about Hurricane Francis. I am going to post about the best conversation i have ever been in and i didnt even have to speak.
sam shorts: damm weather men
Auto response from SippinAFordy: prayers and good luck to
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