
Oct 03, 2008 19:16

Yeah....had to fill it out for myself. 9_9 hooray politics!

[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
Very fucking much so. One of the very few things I'm not shy about are my overall political views. Read it and weep kids.

[02] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Oh my GOD. You're fucking kidding, right? That shit is HORRIBLE. For every possible reason. Do you have ANY idea what that shit does to your body? AND your fucking TEETH? Say no to Meth teeth kids. *shudder*

[03] Abortion: for or against it?
Completely, 110% for it. I am adamant about this cause. The right to choose should NEVER be taken away from ANYONE. EVER. Children are a great responsibility and it is a decision that should NEVER be made willy-nilly. It's also the woman's body. Her right to choose. Now, does that mean having 5 abortions in one year is a good thing? NO. Use contraception. Be smart. Learn to prevent accidental pregnancies. This is crucial. I believe a greater amount of effort should be put into this. My stance on abortion is still the same. Oh yes. But, it should never be a substitute for contraception. It is irresponsible, and extremely unhealthy. I could go on about this forever. But I won't. Long and short of it, women should have the legal right to choose.

[04] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Dude, seriously. Fuck you. Women are the shit. Besides, GENDER does not interfere with the ability to govern. Same with skin color and any other shallow reasons people think anyone other than a rich white man can properly govern. Gender, race, etc. It's a non-issue. Is the person advocating your ideals? Can they do their job? THAT is important.

[05] Do you believe in the death penalty?
Ok. *deep breath* This is an issue I'm....still on the fence about. I don't know if I'll ever be able to make a decision one way or another. I firmly believe that the death penalty is NOT a deterrant. However, if nothing can be done with a person who is so far gone and dangerous, should we just "put him down" like a dog? ...Yes. what else can be done? I mean really? Prisons are overcrowded and you can't release them back into society. But at the same time, nutcases like him are born everyday. Whether it's genetics or shitty parenting or environments, doesn't matter. It will happen again. Putting one psycho to death won't prevent other psychos from doing the same thing. And yet, what do you do with them? You can't just ignore them. And round and round we go. You see my dilemma. 9_9 Perhaps someday a decision will come to me. I must research this topic MOAR. =O

[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Marijuana is the LEAST of our worries. If someone wants to get high, that's their business. Why should it be illegal? Codeine is legal in prescription drugs and that's made from the same wonderful, beautiful, breathtaking, BESTEST flower in the WORLD as opium. Marijuana, whether prescription or recreational, is a piddlin' little drug. Alcohol and cigarettes are legal. And alcohol is usually far more dangerous than weed. So what's the big deal? Stop shoving silly pot-heads into overcrowded jails and prisons already! Sheesh!

[07] Are you for or against premarital sex?
I don't see anything wrong with premarital sex. People are going to do, what they're going to do. Have it, or don't have it. It's no one's business but your own. But for God's sake kids. PRACTICE SAFE SEX AND UES CONDOMS AND CONTRACEPTIVES!!!! 9_9;;;;;

[08] Do you believe in God?
Oh....right. This question. Umm....well, I'm agnostic. yes the cosmic fence sitter HURR HURR HURR STFU. I'm open to the idea of some kind of supreme cosmic being or whatever, but I'm usually more skeptical and tend to readily agree with science more so than religion. Do I believe there are unexplainable events out there? yes. Do I believe science is the ONLY way to explain things? no. That's my personal view. And religion/spirituality/beliefs are private, personal views. No one has the right to push their crap onto other people. /thread

[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes. I don't see a problem with this at all. I don't view homosexuality as a sin or other such fucking nonsense. Love is love. And if people wanna get married for any reason, be it love or not, that's their decision.

[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
Hoooo boy. Another big issue many get worked up about. Overall, it's annoying. Quite annoying that many of them are able to do so. However, I don't blame them. They just want to support themselves and their families. I'm more pissed at both the US and Mexican governments for not doing anything about it. Nothing PROPER has been done. Mexico has fucked up good on their poor people and show no signs of wanting to change any of that. Mexico and the US pretty much cater to each other's sick, corporate needs. The US is able to get all the fucking cheap labor they want since they refuse to pay their own American employees a decent wage. They just don't wish to part with their money or deal with people who have the option to demand higher pay and quality at the work place. They take advantage of the super poor and desperate knowing, they are willing to work 24/7 for practically nothing. Corporate America sickens me to no end. They give certain "benefits" to the illegals that are otherwise denied other American citizens, all to save a few bucks at the fucking top. Even so, the benefits many of these Hispanics are getting aren't worth much. They still have to work their asses off and live below the poverty line. And American workers are getting shafted as well. Both sides are getting fucked up the ass by corporate CEOs. Rat bastards.

[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
Oh boy. Another one. Well, the 12 year old girl is a fucking idiot. Nuff said. She won't be able to take care of the baby properly and will definitely need all KINDS of support. In this situation, the baby should be taken in by older relatives or an adoption agency. However, if the girl chose to have the baby, no one should interfere with her decision. It's a stupid fucking decision, but respecting people's rights is also important in this case. Ultimately though, the wellfare of the baby should be top priority. The baby should be placed within the care of someone fare more capable. Social workers and the legal system can work that out along with visitation rights for the mother.

[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
Yes. Old enough to vote, old enough smoke, old enough to join the military, old enough to legally have sex, old enough to drink. Please, drink responsibly.

[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Uhh...is Richard Simmons a fucking spaztic twink? FUCK YES IT SHOULD BE!!! The only fucking reason we're there is because of goddamn messy geopolitics. Ugh ugh UGH. There was no other real REASON to do so. Invading countries is so.....feudal. Jesus fucking christ people. Get with the program. -_-

[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
Ok...assisted suicide in what manner? For medical reasons? If it's because the person wishes to die because they are in pain, and there is no way they can live a rich, full life then yes. Of course it should be legal. A person has a right to die. Live with dignity, and die in peace if they so desire. I don't see how this should be illegal. As for other types of suicide, if some emo-fucktard wants to be AN HERO, then they can do that on their own time. No assistance for them. Assisted suicide should be for medical purposes only. Emo-fucktards can go cry in their goddamn corner.

[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
No I do not. As much as I hate children and hate it when they act out, hitting them is really not the answer. The key to good parenting can be seen in the Dog Whisperer episode of South Park. yes I'm dead FUCKING serious. Hitting is never the answer. Firm, constructive ways to raise children are the right way to go. Be dominant. Be the pack leader.

[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Yeah sure I guess. I'd rather do something else for a million dollars but I'd do it. Hell I'd even do it for free. Not because I hate the American flag or this country, but because it's not a big deal. *see Futurama episode about freedom day* When it comes down to deciding what's more important, a stupid flag or the actual RIGHTS it represents, I would go for the rights mang. Any day.

[17] Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama?
Obama. Anything but McBush 9_9

[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
No. why should I be? I'm still the same Ol' Gina =D People like me for who I am (and because I force them to) and that's that! *raises fist threateningly*

P.S. That damn fish oil pill I take for my Omega 3 intake...is HORRIBLE. Every time I belch....it tastes like low-tide. FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU- x_X


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