Actually, it's 2am and I'm sure I'm not the first to use that line for a title.
I think my experiment is working. I do seem to be in better form for writing since I've been urging myself to take more opportunities to write. This includes posting on forums and other peoples blogs and journals and lest I forget, Twitter.
I'm subscribed to an LJ account that goes by the name of
kro1975. It seems like a Russian image feed, and although there are comments under each entry, I get the feeling it might be a bot of sorts. But the images are striking and specific in scope. Subject matter varies but stays within certain categories. They are: Vintage Life in Russia, Vintage Porn, photos of WWII (mostly Russian or German), weapons, art, and assorted porn and pin-ups, among others. I never re-post these images in my LJ account, although I am often tempted to. Especially some of the animated .gifs. But tonight I succumb to temptation.
Go see his journal. Much of it is not pretty. But it is compelling.
I would be interested in your reaction.
zombie roaches