Hi guys.
You may wonder why I'm back on this LiveJournal. The truth is, the new name didn't fit. Not that "Sir Slapahoe" is any more suitable, but more of you know me by this name, so if I'm going to post, here will do.
This is what's up. It's not cheerful. )
Comments 9
I find your judgment of my character harsh and a bit unsound. However, your words are eloquent, and you have clearly put quite a bit of thought and time into your response.
It is true that I am addicted to human interaction. I am a devout friend to my peers, though I think my relations with close female friends are sometimes strained by my desire to keep them close to me. I would be truly sad if I could no longer hang out alone with one of my girl-friends because of her obligation to another boy.
I'm glad I didn't lose your message in your very offensive medium, Anon, because some things you've said ring true. Good night.
Severely so. I've not been on a single date since I matriculated into the University. Really the most romantic thing I've done could be classified hanging-out-with-friends. And I've cut back on flirting in general. Yeah.
I happily admit my mistake and move on, unlike some people.... without names.
what have you done to these women!?
good advice, regardless of being harsh
someone had to do it as obviously the rest of the people who would reply to this would do so with sympathy and in a consoling manner
you're one of the happiest people I know!
cheer up
don't let these silly things get you down
it's not worth it
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