thefridayfive 1. What's a song you'd enjoy screaming along to as you drove down the highway?
Compass by Lady Antebellum. Love it. At Christmas time it is Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas. If I'm made it's almost any screamer music.
2. What is your favorite place/type of environment to relax?
Well, I recently discovered I relax a lot more when I'm on vacation and away from home. So my best friends house in TX. But in general, my room watching something. Being alone. Or sometimes in the car just driving and listening to a podcast or music.
3. What are the best kind of dreams?
Hmm. Most of the time I dream about things that seem real or could be and then I wake up realizing it didn't happen. BUT once in a while I have crazy fantasy dreams like being on a starship adventure. Goind hunting with Sam and Dean (Supernatural). Hangind out with tv characters or whatever. I tend to dream about what I last saw before bed.
4. What do you look for in a mate?
A best friend. I really thing a mate should ultimately be your friend. Someone you want to share things with. Someone you want to talk to about stuff. Someone you can laugh and be silly with. Someone you can binge a show with. Someone who is up to whatever adventure you two can come up with. And one the same religious and political wave length. Those things break couples so I don't like the idea of putting that in as an obstacle to begin with.
5. If you were a crayon color, what color would you be and why?
No idea. So I want to say blue. Blue is my favorite color. Like a dusky blue or a clear blue sky. I'm a day person. I only love the summer months because it is day longer. I don't mind nighttime but Iove when it stays light later. Also, I think blue is the base color of the world. Don't know.... because I like it. Because it is a rare day that I'm not wearly some form of blue. That's all I've got.