trying to let it all go, how can i when you still dont know?

Jul 05, 2005 00:24

i dont know what i am doing this for

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Comments 3

_spideykisses July 5 2005, 21:28:16 UTC
♥ well i like your entries !


siren__siren July 7 2005, 06:44:51 UTC
Thanks :) But, out of curiousity, may i ask why? If there is a particular reason....


_spideykisses July 8 2005, 00:21:41 UTC
Rest now, give me time. What is there left to find? Stare out over the ocean with its black sky and black water. Cold water. Roaring angry souless water. Let the waves crash over you, loose your footing. Pulled under, pulled away, tumbling out into the empty water. Lord, can you hear me now?

i like that. i like your entries because for some reason i feel like i can relate to them. for some odd reason i think its cool what you put on your entries, writing so little can mean so much. im kinda weird for saying that but i think thats why. sorry lol


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