character info.
NAME. Captain Isabela
Dragon Age (II).
AGE. Mid-thirties
HEIGHT&WEIGHT. 5'7"/healthy
On the right.
STATUS. ■■■■■ | GREAT. Just arrived. Annoyed. Sand in inconvenient places.
LODGINGS. Arrived | 11 Oct. 2011 (ic day)
Staying | E3-219
- Clothing (lacking pants, but including a spectacular pair of boots)
- A lot of gold jewelry (rings, earings, necklace, lip stud), all of which is mundane save for one enchanted ring
- Black armoured corset, gauntlets, couters, and single pauldron (left)
- Twin enchanted daggers Honeycut and Shard of the Fallen
- An old Qunari tome with no particular special attributes
- Lockpicks and other assorted (Renaissance tech level) thieves’ tools
WEAPONS. Twin enchanted daggers
Honeycut and
Shard of the FallenEXPLORATION. ???
GOALS. ???
MEDICAL INFO. Isabela has some scars from the many fights she's been in, but is healthy as a horse.
MENTAL INFO. Hedonist. Adrenaline junkie. Mild claustrophobia, major phobia of commitment.
FOURTH-WALLING. Go for it. She probably won't believe it, but the subject's fair game.
PHYSICAL CONTACT. Go for it. There's no touch aversion here.
ROMANCE/SEXUAL RELATIONS. She's open to sex with people who are of age. Romance, however, would take a lot of CR.
INJURE/KILL. It's probably cool. Just catch me on plurk or AIM to hash out specifics.
DEVICE HACKING. Isabela is the very definition of technology-dumb. Go for it.
THREADJACKING. If it makes IC sense, I'm cool with it.
ANYTHING ELSE. I am good with backtagging forever, although I do tend to forget about threads that have lain quiet for a while. Feel free to poke me to remind me/poke me to figure out how things ended. If you're wondering about anything not covered above, just drop me a note and we can work things out.
Opt out of propositioning, crass humour, theft, or IC fanfic here. GIVEN PERMISSIONS.