Art Dump number...4??

Dec 19, 2010 11:29

Oh why is it that my journal has an art dump like once every 3 months...omg I think even I forget that I have stuff to put in here. ANYWAY. This year, I haven't really drawn much. Sad to say. But ever since Kiku gave me sai I've been drawing like a mad woman. Waaaaah. * A * I hope this steam will last through next year too!

So I totally had September 2nd snuck up on me this year. :'| I made Vietnam a MAD last year and this year I was only able to make like a picture LOL...well...whatever. lol There's always unification day....

I WOULD APOLOGIZE FOR DRAWING SO MUCH GURO LOLITA * A * but so fun omg. AND WHY IS IT. That beheading and lolita just go SO well? I'd blame Marie Antoinette but I think it goes so much more beyond that. lol I GUESS. 

If you ever want to watch 1 Litre of is what the title say ''orz prepare to cry a shit load.

AND THIS IS WHEN I GOT SAI~ \o/ I miss drawing Vietnam fanart. Hurr hurr. Too bad all of these were drawn while listening to Vocaloid music. BUT WHATEVER BRO. I'm good. I also misspelled EVERYTHING but whatever.

It's okey. You're a gay.


Sketch for another guro picture WELL TOO FUCKING BAD MY LAPTOP IMPLODED AND I LOST ALL OF MY ART '''orz cryyyy

Picture for prickly for purple day. I just really liked this coordination lol.

Siren loves anon too ; o ; YEAH THIS IS JUST CUTE. I just thought it's cute so I wanted it in here ;; don't judge me.

And this picture is my pride and joy. MOSTLY because it's probably the last big project I'll be working on in 2010 lol SO MANY FUCKING ROSES OMG.

And this was my 2010 summary of art. MAN. I'd like to say that I've improved? And I hear people going "OH SIREN YOU'RE GETTING BETTER AT (whatever fill in the blank here)" :'| but tbh. I didn't draw enough this year. LOL I'd like to be able to just draw whatever the hell I want and not have to worry like I did when I was younger - 3 - ;;; but most of the time I just look at my sketches and go "HURR ALRIGHT THIS IS NEVER GONNA SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY".

...that's probably not a good mentality to have considering I should get ready for AX 2011. Hahaha.

siren actually draws??

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