Who: New November Arrivals, Greeters, & anyone else who happens to be hanging around the Tower Apartments to greet newcomers.
When: Month of November (Please Specify Date & Time in Thread Header)
Where: The Sector 4 Baseball Diamond, Parking Lot & Lobby of the Tower Apartments
Summary: This is your catch-all one stop log for arrival interactions!
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"You're in Canada." She wasn't even going to bother telling her that she needed to calm down as it seemed unlikely until she received answers, and even then? Debatable. "I can answer your questions." And despite the threat and anger her voice remained calm and even throughout it. She also wasn't afraid.
"¡Estás loca!" Santana snarled, stepping closer to Helen, to provide some sort of... well, oomph to the statement. "I'm not in Canada, lady, I was just in New York City, and I better get a damn plane back there, first class, and a hot cop to drive me to the station where I'm gonna arrest your ass, got it?"
"You are in Canada. Siren's Port - an area unknown. And you were not brought here nor can be returned by an individual." Your threats don't phase her, young lady. "You can make as many demands as you wish but it will not change the situation."
Her voice was tilting into something of a shrill hiss now, because the more that Santana looked around, the more this was so not the city. She was in a damn baseball diamond, for crying out loud, and her cell phone wasn't working properly, and why the hell didn't her dad just come get her --
"I don't even have my passport," Santana snapped after a moment or two, turning away to glare around, clutching a pamphlet in one hand and her fingers holding her razor tightly in her other. "This is not happening."
"I'm afraid that it is. I was also brought here, as were many of the individuals that you'll meet here." The Newcomers, anyway. "There is a device known as the Core - that is what brought you here."
This was too much for Santana to deal with. She wasn't the smart girl, like Quinn, or even the blissfully ignorant girl, like Brittany. She was smack in the middle, grounded in cold hard reality, and this was defying it.
"Are you telling me I'm stuck in some weird science fiction movie?" Santana demanded.
"If you wish to describe it as such, yes." Henry probably would have too. "Although this is quite real. Dangerously so." Helen doubted that this would go any better than the rest had.
And Star Trek is pretty fucking lame.
"What about New Directions, are they here?" Santana asked irately.
"I'm afraid that I haven't heard of them." Which could be either way - considering it was a group rather than an individual, and Helen didn't even know half of those in Siren's Port.
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