20_mentholkools and open
When: 3rd December, day and night
Where: Around the docks or near Gibson's Boat Rental, you choose!
Summary: Riddick's lurking around doing recon on finding a way off the island.
Warnings: None. The opening's prose, but I would prefer action tags, please!
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An interesting smell caught her nose and she paused to follow it for just a few moments. Well, she'd never smelled him before.]
He notices the hound where it heads out between the boats. Not moving quite like any of the beasts he'd seen in the dark before. Not like the hound that had almost killed Artemis. But still looking nothing like the hell hounds on Crematoria. He stays crouched on top of a freight container, even as it seems to catch his scent. Decides to watch, see what this hound will do - if it was another killer from the city's dark, or something else.]
... Including the rabbit that darted between boats. She chased after it, but missed it, whining as it dashed under something and she lost it. She pawed at the hole for a moment, but it was gone.
Dammit. Looked like it was ramen again tonight. She flicked an ear and went back to the scent she'd been following, before losing it around a container. Sniffing around the edge told her it had probably gone up. Sigh.]
He shifts closer to the edge as it starts sniffing around the container, leaning over the edge, wondering how it'll react if it sees him.]
Another soft bark and a wag of her tail. HI!]
Doesn't look like you're something that should be out here.
ITCH! She plops down and scratches at her ear, her tags jingling in the night. Then she's up again, her front paws on the container and her tongue hanging out... just like every other dog.
When he crouches down, she flicks her ears forward and cautiously approaches, her tail wagging. She sniffs his hand then licks the fingers. She's wearing tags that say 'Freya' and give her owner's name (Mercy Thompson) and address. Her tail still wagging, she flops her tongue out at him and is quietly sitting there.]
Mercy Thompson. [His tone's clearly amused. That name's still hilarious to him.] Lets her pets out after sirens.
She just yips at the mention of her 'owner's' name. Her ears flick forward and she cocks her head to the side, studying him. She drops her head and noses at his hand again.]
But eventually he stops, standing again. He was out here for a reason.]
Sorry. Can't play all night.
You should head back home. Bigger things than me out here.
[Nastier, too, and the only reason why he felt at all confident being out in it was because he was damn good at avoiding fights when he didn't want them.]
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