[Even though it's raining lightly, even though Break's house seems to have been failing in the darkness proof department lately, meaning the Clown had to take care of the odd little pest now and then, while his Mistress and housemaid were sleeping; non of this seemed to stop the Clown treating himself and his Chain to a tea party
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[Liquid sounds amused. How utterly childish...]
The rain doesn't seem to want to comply.
[Not as amused as Break sounds, while listening to the rain drops plot into his tea cup.]
Nor do I, so its worked out rather well I'd say~
[That and he's pretty sure Break would troll the hell out of him if he did.]
Fond of it, are you? It reminds me of home, sadly.
[True, but Break's home would have been the perfect hide out. On account of no one wanting to be there for too long.]
It reminds me of another place... a place once bathed in golden sun shine. I think it reminds Hatter too~
[The Chain's eye could be seen moving from behind its closed eyelid.]
[Dammit, that is true. Tempting, tempting.]
...ah. Alright, I have to ask. What is that?
[The offer is there, rather its spoken or not, it's not hard to find his house, seeing as its the only one in sector 4 with a child's pink play house on the front lawn.]
What is what? The place I talk of? or my party guest?
[Don't be surprised if you find an unexpected guest later, Mr Hatter.]
Your guest. Pardon my rudeness but it does confuse me.
[He'll leave the door unlocked, you don't need an invitation, you're not a Vampire~]
That's quite alright, he confuses himself, though, confusion comes hand in hand with madness after all.
[Leaning back, stroking a hand over the skull that hung from his Chain.]
He's my Chain, my power and my closest friend ...
[My, how inviting. You're lucky he isn't a person prone to random murderation.]
Chain? Is that his name?
[You're harmless in Break's eye. He's trolled you enough to see how nice you are, and he's watched you enough to see how vicious you are. Break can hold his own.]
No, he can't tell me his name, but we all call him The Mad Hatter~ Just like me!~
[Even though it's still there.]
[How flattering. He's not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.]
So you're... Hatter and Hatter.
[The blind mouse comment earns a sneer. Though, its not Liquids fault, Break's never admitted his disability openly.]
Yes well, be more careful in who's jam you and your friends dip your fingers in, in the future won't you?
[Its possibly both a good and bad thing. Nothing is ever straight forward with Break.]
Its his name, I simply get called it. I haven't the slightest idea why~
[Tipping back on his chair, pouring tea into his mouth from the pot.]
[He has to laugh at that.]
Then would you sooner be called by a different name? And isn't that a painful way to drink?
You're always trying to upset me, aren't you young man~?
[Smiling, and tossing three sugar lumps into his mouth.]
You may call me whatever you like, pet names can be so much fun. And no~ not in the slightest! No tea pots were harmed during the making of this tea~
"Young man". Like you're really that old. [He scoffs lightly.] Of course not.
[-!] It wouldn't be a pet name! Pet names are for teenagers on dates, goddammit. I am a little old to be giving people pet names.
Oya~ now you're trying to make me blush.
[He fans himself with a slice of syrup waffle.]
Funny you should say that, when are we going on our second date?
[ Trollolololol~♪ ]
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